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CmapTools - Download CmapTools. CmapTools - Home Page Cmap.html. The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct and Use. Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts. Words on the line, referred to as linking words or linking phrases, specify the relationship between the two concepts. We define concept as a perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by a label. The label for most concepts is a word, although sometimes we use symbols such as + or %, and sometimes more than one word is used. Propositions are statements about some object or event in the universe, either naturally occurring or constructed.

Propositions contain two or more concepts connected using linking words or phrases to form a meaningful statement. Figure 1. (click on an image for a larger view) Another important characteristic of concept maps is the inclusion of cross-links. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Artikels » Detail » 25. Gereedschap voor conceptmappen: Cmaptool. Mentale kaart. Het concept van een mentale kaart (Engels: mental map), geeft aan hoe de persoonlijke perceptie van een persoon is van zijn geografische omgeving, de manier waarop hij zijn ruimtelijke omgeving structureert.

Het is geen geografische kaart, maar een representatie van het cognitieve beeld dat een individu in zijn gedachten heeft. Hoewel dit onderwerp meer op zijn plaats lijkt bij de sociale wetenschappen, wordt dit onderwerp meestal bestudeerd door geografen om te bepalen hoe het publiek subjectief plaatsen waarneemt. Het proces van mental mapping is afhankelijk van perceptie en cognitie. De geografische werkelijkheid komt hierbij niet overeen met de mentale kaart. De mentale kaart bevindt zich in principe inwendig, maar deze kan tot uitdrukking komen in mondelinge verslagen, tekeningen en oordelen. Massamedia hebben ook een effect op de mentale kaart van een persoon. Zie ook[bewerken] Stanley Milgram Externe link[bewerken] cognitive models of geographical space.

Mental mapping. In psychology, the term names the information maintained in the mind of an organism by means of which it may plan activities, select routes over previously traveled territories, etc. The rapid traversal of a familiar maze depends on this kind of mental map if scents or other markers laid down by the subject are eliminated before the maze is re-run. Background[edit] Mental maps are an outcome of the field of behavioral geography. The imagined maps are considered one of the first studies that intersected geographical settings with human action.[3] The most prominent contribution and study of mental maps was in the writings of Kevin Lynch.

Research Applications[edit] Mental Maps have been used in a collection of spatial research. Mental maps have also been used to describe the urban experience of children. Peter Gould and Rodney White have performed prominent analyses in the book “Mental Maps.” In an experiment done by Edward C. References[edit] Research.

Handbook on Knowledge Management ... Home - Knowledge Maps - Mind Maps of SharePoint Functionality. Compendium (software) Compendium is a computer program and social science tool that facilitates the mapping and management of ideas and arguments. The software provides a visual environment that allows people to structure and record collaboration as they work through "wicked problems". The software is currently released by the not-for-profit Compendium Institute. The current version operationalises the Issue-Based Information System (IBIS), an argumentation mapping structure first developed by Horst Rittel in the 1970s.

Compendium source code was fully released under LGPL licence on 13 January 2009.[1] Compendium visually represents thoughts and illustrates the various interconnections between different ideas and arguments. The creation of "issue maps" graphically represents the relations between issues and questions and facilitates the understanding of interconnected topics through pictoral representation. Many associations have thence contributed ideas to the development of Compendium. Compendium Institute - About Compendium.