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Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative. ECAI - Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative. Technology helps scholars get 'big picture' of the Enlightenment. The road back to Paris was paved with letters.

technology helps scholars get 'big picture' of the Enlightenment

Lots of them. The author of Candide wrote about 15,000 during his 83-year life, many from his base in Ferney, near the Swiss border. Voltaire's life was superbly successful – but it was a life with sorrows, too. Voltaire’s famously acerbic tongue caused his banishment on more than one occasion. Sustaining Innovation in the Digital Humanities by Elliott Hauser on Prezi. Improvise. Exploratory visualization based on multiple coordinated views is a rapidly growing area of information visualization.


Ideally, users would be able to explore their data by switching freely between building and browsing in a flexible, integrated, interactive graphical environment that requires little or no programming skill to use. However, the possibilities for displaying data across multiple views depends on the flexibility of coordination, the expressiveness of graphical encoding, and the ability of users to comprehend the structure of their visualizations as they work. As a result, exploration has been limited in practice to a small fraction of useful visualizations. Improvise is a fully-implemented Java software architecture and user interface that enables users to build and browse highly-coordinated visualizations interactively. Mapping the Republic of Letters. Digging Into the Enlightenment.