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Zeer pot refrigeration (design) See also: Zeer pot refrigerator (basic topic article) Figure 1: Conceptual Flow of Energy and Water in Zeer Refrigerator The following shelf-life comparison has been adapted from a case study performed by the Practical Action Organization and can be directly accessed here. The impact of the pot-in-pot refrigerator is immediately realized as the shelf life for most produce is extended by 5 to 10 times. This means that farmers are not only able sell their produce beyond the initial days following a harvest, but will also be able to safely consume the unsold goods because of their extended shelf life.

When evaporation occurs from a surface, there is an energy associated with the phase change known as the latent heat of vaporization. In the case of the Zeer refrigerator, water evaporates out of the sand through the surface of the outer clay pot and from the whole top surface of the moist sand exposed to the solar radiation, removing energy from the system. Figure 8: Cooling Effect vs. Given, 1174 4642 1 PB.


Treat infected banana,plantain crops by hot or boiling water - Practical Answers. Wakati keeps fruit and veg fresh for longer without a fridge. For farmers in developing countries without refrigerators, a great deal of produce - and therefore profit - can be lost through spoilage. A new device seeks to tackle this problem by increasing the short-term storage time for fruit and veg. The Wakati stores produce in a sterilized microclimate. The Wakati designers recognize that often there is no regular access to electricity in developing countries. Like the Buffalo Grid phone charger and the ROSI water filtration system, therefore, it uses a solar power system for its operation.

In addition to a 3 W solar panel, the device comprises a top-loading tent-like structure, in which up to 150 kg (330 lb) of produce can be stored, and a solar-powered ventilator. Company founder Arne Pauwels explains that the humid environment created by the Wakati helps to reduce the extent to which crops dry out after being harvested. Source: Wakati. Archéologie associative en Limousin - technique traditionnelle de conservation des plantes fouragères. Page 2 sur 5 Description (état actuel) (fig.1, 2 et3) Le bâtiment est formé par une fosse quadrangulaire excavée d’une profondeur totale de 1,20 mètre pour une longueur d’environ 3 mètres sur une largeur de 2 mètres.

La charpente en bois de sciage consiste en trois fermes, deux en pignon et une ferme centrale de deux arbalétriers croisés en tête supportant une panne faîtière de section circulaire (petit tronc d’arbre) et reliés par deux entraits. Quatre pannes sur chaque pente portent les chevrons (fig.1). 1 - Coupe transversale du bâtiment (au niveau de la ferme centrale) A - espace de stockage ; B - niveau du sol extérieur ; C - couverture actuelle (tôle ondulé) ; D - faîtière en zinc ; E - remplissage des sous pentes et des bas-côtés en paille de seigle.

Des lacunes apparaissent aujourd'hui, à l'origine le calfeutrage était complet. La couverture actuelle est constituée de tôles métalliques ondulées, la faîtière étant assurée par une bande de zinc clouée au sommet. - Conservation des légumes, la technique du papier journal. Arte - Futurmag - Le défi de la conservation des produits frais. Consomag - "Les fruits et légumes: Les bons réflexes pour bien les conserver!" C'est pas sorcier - la conservation des aliments. - Conservation des fruits et légumes, technique de la poubelle enterrée.