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Category:CCAT pedal powered innovations. - Bicirevolvedora lista para construccion natural con barro. Bici máquinas - alternativa ecológica con propósito ambiental. Bici Maquinas - La Bicilavadora de Bicimaquinas Jalisco. Bici Maquinas - Desgranando en el Bici Desgranador en La Cañada. Wooden Tool Man - Homemade Belt Sander. Lowtechmagazine - Hand powered drilling tools and machines. For most of human history, drilling a hole into whatever chosen material required an extensive amount of time and effort.

Lowtechmagazine - Hand powered drilling tools and machines

The first crude drilling tool was the awl, a sharp stone, flint, copper or bone point that could be attached to a piece of wood. The awl was pressed against an object and then rotated by hand, much like a present-day screwdriver. An alternative primitive method was the "hand drill" or "shaft drill", where a stick was rotated between the palms. Abrasives such as sand could be used simultaneously to make this drilling method more effective. These were extremely labour-intensive tasks, especially when the material that had to be drilled was hardy, like stone. In his study of ancient stone-working technology (see sources), Denys Stocks came to the conclusion that even with a bronze drill bit it took up to 5 hours to drill a tiny hole 1 centimetre deep in a hard stone like quartz. Strap drills, bow drills and pump drills Bow and thong drills operated by several people.

Bici Maquinas - Como Hacer una Bici-Maquina. Bici Maquinas - BiciMolino. Bici maquinas - El vaso para la licuadora. Malnutrition Matters - Multiple action pedal-drive workstation. Alternative Energy news - Pedal Power Dynapod. A dynapod is a stationary pedal-powered device.

Alternative Energy news - Pedal Power Dynapod

The word ‘Dynapod’ comes from the Greek words for power and foot. The dynapod can be attached to any kind of device or tool and used to generate power for a multitude of activities. The first design for this type of unit was introduced in 1968. Although it was not built, Alex Weir (Edinburgh University) built one and two person dynapods at Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania. An cement-filled bicycle wheel was used as a flywheel. There are seemingly endless possibilities for pedal power tools. Reforma - Bicimáquinas: generando energía con bicicletas. Treehugger - BambooTec bike with dynamo. There's been a lot of interest in bamboo bikes though the years.

treehugger - BambooTec bike with dynamo

Even more so than wood, bamboo is a quickly renewable material that can have the necessary stiffness and strength to be made into bicycle frames. Check out these 10 beautifully timeless bamboo bikes. Bamboo technology company BambooTec of Yucatan, Mexico, is hoping to have success with its version of a bamboo bike that includes a converter to transform the kinetic energy from pedaling into electricity for charging of phones and other devices. © BambooTec The converter rests on the wheel rim of the BambooTec bike, and the company expects it to provide 10 volts of power to devices; a regulator under the seat helps to keep the supply of electricity to the devices (mounted on the handlebars) steady. In addition, the BambooTec bike will include a Bluetooth connection. Instructables - How to build a cargo bike. Sortirdunuclé - Différents systèmes à pédaliers. Pédales et manivelles, une solution d’avenir ?

Sortirdunuclé - Différents systèmes à pédaliers

Dans le monde, pour 1,5 milliard de paysans, on compte 250 millions de paysans qui utilisent des animaux pour travailler et seulement une trentaine de millions de tracteurs : tous les autres travaillent avec des outils manuels. Alors oui, au Sud comme au Nord, le pédalier pourrait rendre de grands services. […] Pédaliers statiques De nombreuses machines peuvent être alimentées par une connexion mécanique directe même si cela signifie les adapter afin qu’elles puissent être directement fixées sur le pédalier. Ces pédaliers statiques, avec une transmission de puissance directe, même si cela se faisait autrefois, sont pour l’heure difficilement disponibles dans le monde occidental. La seule exception en Occident semble être le modèle appelé Fender Blender, une machine utilisée pour réaliser des jus de fruits.

Au Guatemala, Mayapedal a construit quelque 2000 machines à pédales à partir d’éléments de bicyclettes depuis 2001. - Human powered flywheell motor. Popular Woodworking Magazine - Pedal-Powered Woodworking Machines. Encylopediapictura - Stationary Bicycle. If we boost the research on pedal powered technology - trying to make up for seven decades of lost opportunities - and steer it in the right direction, pedals and cranks could make an important contribution to running a post-carbon society that maintains many of the comforts of a modern life.

Encylopediapictura - Stationary Bicycle

The possibilities of pedal power largely exceed the use of the bicycle. One way to solve the large energy losses of pedal power generators is not to produce electricity at all but power devices mechanically, whenever possible. Another way - the only way for devices that cannot be powered via a direct mechanical connection because they do not rely on rotary motion - is to make the generation of electricity more efficient.

This can be done by building a pedal powered generator from scratch instead of using a road bicycle, or by ditching one or several electronic components in the power transmission chain. Blue Ox Millworks - Antique Woodworking Tools. Full Belly Project - Universal nut sheller. Practical Action - Bicycle ambulance designed for use in terai flat marshy lands. Practical Action - Benefits of bicycle trailers and how to make them.