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PDF et e-book PRATIQUES [à réorganiser] Ebooks OPDS. Symbolic Meaning of the Stork. Symbolic Meaning of the Stork When I was a kid, I had a run-in with a stork.

Symbolic Meaning of the Stork

I was fiercely navigating a paddle boat in the kiddie pool at a children's zoo when I looked up and came face-to-beak with a behemoth stork. Let me tell you, that experience completely freaked me out and left me unhinged. I still have dreams about that gigantic bird staring me down, and spreading its mammoth wings - as if to swallow me in some creepy avian embrace. I can't say it's a marring memory. In truth, the stork really is a regal creature, and has an amazing story to tell us on a symbolic level. Highlights for Symbolic Meaning of the Stork PurityFidelityRenewalProvisionNew birthCreativityLongevityProsperityProtectionGood luckMotherhood Firstly, let's address the origins of the iconic stork carrying a newborn baby bundle in its beak.

The meaning of the stork as a baby-bringer may also be associated to its affinity to water. There is a German fairy tale that further substantiates the stork as a mother bird. Spiritualité : Livres PDF gratuits à télécharger. Tous les liens ne sont pas instaurés.

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