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Mindjet Connect. Mind map library - Biggerplate. Course Hero: Earn free premier access. My Cramster. User | Index. Make online flashcards & notes. Study anywhere, anytime. Thinking & Learning. Personalized Learning Can Be Focused on Talents, Interests & Career Ideas! Guest post from Mariaemma Willis, M.S., LearningSuccess™ InstituteHome and school educators often wonder how a child's learning can be customized to meet their style needs, talents, and interests, when there are state standards and school district requirements to follow. Fortunately there are indeed ways to customize learning even when working with standards and requirements. Focus on Modality Suppose the course is U.S. History.

At minimum you can provide the information that you are required to cover in different modalities. Non-print learners have a difficult time processing and retaining information from a text book. Many books have recorded versions available or if you are getting the information online, you can use any number of free text to speech programs. Assignment options can also be provided to meet various modalities. Now what about assessment? Explore Interests Once you are comfortable providing for Modality needs you can go the next step. . · Career Exploration · Arts · Fitness. Graphic Organizers.

Learning/Theoretical Physics/Philosophy & More. The Internet Super-User Textbook | UCT OpenContent.