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Game Ideas. Game Engines. Programming Techniques. Programming Techniques From GPWiki Jump to: navigation, search Some general useful programming techniques. Contents [hide] Game Logic Main Loop The core of your game 2D Physics Basic introduction on how you get basic environment interaction in your game to work. Structural Aspects Error handling Cross-Platform I/O Tips Math Gems Miscellaneous Programming Techniques Paradigmatic Computational Applicational Self Defense in Game Development Uncategorized C/C++ Header File Convention Critical Links Here's an aggregation of criticism and appraisement in programming. Retrieved from ‘ Category: Programming Techniques Navigation menu Navigation Tools Personal tools Log in Home Wiki Forum Featured Image @GPWiki Namespaces Variants Views Actions This page was last modified on 30 January 2014, at 19:09. - Home of the Lightweight Java Game Library. Allegro - A game programming library - Video Game Development. Java3DGamingWithNetBeans. Developing 3-D Games with the NetBeans IDE and jME 2.0.1 By rkusterer AT netbeans DOT org This tutorial shows how to set up the NetBeans IDE to start creating Java 3-D games with the jMonkeyEngine framework. jME 2.0.1 now supports Solaris additionally to Windows (32/64-bit), Linux (32/64-bit), and Mac OS X, and the library path set-up of this tutorial was updated (October 2009). Note: jMonkeyEngine version 3 (currently in alpha) comes with an integrated IDE based on the NetBeans platform that includes tools for model and material loading, conversion, editing and more called "jMonkeyPlatform".

See for more information. The jMonkeyEngine is a 3-D engine for developing 3-D computer games. jME is not Drag'n'Drop, you have to code everything by hand, but the quality of the result makes it worth to be patient and learn it: Have a look at these 3-D apps created with jME. Requirements: 0. 1. To get the jME framework: 2. 3. 4. 5. How? 6. Delta Engine. Game Design » #AltDevBlogADay. SpeedTree® | Welcome.