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Welcome to OpenNI | Kinect and OpenNI. 10.Dec.2010 at 10 | Den Ivanov Update (17.01.2013) - This old post is obsolete now and instruction will not work with latest OpenNI 2. I will wrote new one soon, when new SensorKinect drivers will be available. Update (29.05.2013) - For using OpenNI 1.x on your systems check this URL for packages.

They work - Just installed OpenNI files to my home PC and run few samples. 1. 3. 4. 5. put this into 'NITE/Data/Sample-User.xml' file --> </ProductionNodes> </OpenNI> Also uncomment add fill all License nodes inside Sample-Scene.xml and Sample-Tracking.xml Then run samples. OpenNI/OpenNI - GitHub. Running Kinect on Ubuntu :: Asim's Ramblings.