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20 Fresh JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries. There are plenty of JavaScript libraries out there for rendering your otherwise plain and boring numerical data into beautiful, interactive, and informative visualizations. The beauty of using JavaScript for data visualization is that, if created correctly, your data will be highly accessible (usually via HTML tables).

A long time ago (2008), I wrote about JavaScript solutions for graphing and charting data and this article revisits the topic with twenty more JavaScript libraries that you can use to bring your data to life. 1. Highcharts Highcharts is one of the most promising JavaScript charting libraries to hit the scene recently, with its large array of features including seven charting types (line, pie, and bar among them), the ability to zoom in and out of charts, and tooltips for offering more information about data points. The library has many options for customization and they’re well documented on one page for easy referencing. 2. gRaphaël 3. 4. jQuery Visualize Plugin 5. moochart.

JavaScript Garden. Although JavaScript deals fine with the syntax of two matching curly braces for blocks, it does not support block scope; hence, all that is left in the language is function scope. function test() { // a scope for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // not a scope // count } console.log(i); // 10} There are also no distinct namespaces in JavaScript, which means that everything gets defined in one globally shared namespace. Each time a variable is referenced, JavaScript will traverse upwards through all the scopes until it finds it.

In the case that it reaches the global scope and still has not found the requested name, it will raise a ReferenceError. The Bane of Global Variables // script Afoo = '42'; // script Bvar foo = '42' The above two scripts do not have the same effect. Again, that is not at all the same effect: not using var can have major implications. // global scopevar foo = 42;function test() { // local scope foo = 21;}test();foo; // 21 Local Variables var foo = 3; bar = 4;}test(10); Hoisting.

JavaScript Tutorials. Javascript Toolbox: Reusable Libraries And Scripts Plus Information. Javascript. Blog. Low-cost .com Domains with Whois Privacy In an effort to be more privacy conscious I’ve been looking to transition to having Domain Privacy enabled on all the domains that I own. As it turns out many domain registrars, including my current one, charge an additional fee for this service. In an effort to save some money I did a price comparison […] 15 Comments · Posted: November 22nd, 2014 Write Code Every Day Last fall, work on my coding side projects came to a head: I wasn’t making adequate progress and I couldn’t find a way to get more done without sacrificing my ability to do effective work at Khan Academy. 73 Comments · Posted: April 10th, 2014 Use Project-based Interviews Instead of “GitHub” First, some background: I highly recommend that you read the following two blog posts: by Ashe Dryden: The Ethics of Unpaid Labor and the OSS Community and by James Coglan: Why Github is not your CV. 16 Comments · Posted: November 21st, 2013 Node.js Stream Playground Gittip at Khan Academy.

PubNub ★ Push Real-time Data to Mobile, Tablet, Web. HardCode web development. jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation. Coding Horror.