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Venture Capital VC. Portail B2B - Connecting-Network. Levée de fonds en capital-risque et capital-développement : Chausson Finance, le spécialiste français - Chausson Finance. Accompagnement et financement des entreprises innovantes en Ile-de-France. Grow VC > About. About What is Grow VC?

Grow VC > About

Grow Venture Community (Grow VC) by Grow VC Group, is the first global, transparent, community-based platform dedicated to entrepreneurs and investors. Grow VC enables great ideas and great teams to get visibility with the right investing audience, funding and support earlier. Grow VC is more than crowd funding, it’s a nurturing ecosystem where entrepreneurs can connect with experts, funders, team members, new customers and partners to realize their ideas. Creation d’entreprise, cabinet conseil, financement d’entreprise, essaimage, start-up, developpement d’entreprise, entreprise technologique, marketing, incubation, conseils, INCUBEO a Rennes (35) France Initiative - Accueil.