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Ignacio and Gerard

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Galicia Maker Faire. Madrid Mini Maker. Quirky: The Invention Platform. This website talk about the companies that help the development of Maker Movemment. You’ve found the perfect candidate and they’ve accepted. Congratulations! Having held all the cards throughout the hiring process, this can be an uncomfortable time for managers. When days tick by and there’s still no sign of a signed contract or confirmed start date, even the most trusting of hiring managers will grow suspicious. Until your new hire walks through the door on the first day, there's no ironclad guarantee they'll join. So in the period between making an offer and having it officially accepted, hiring managers may need to fend off the risk of a counteroffer by the candidate's employer. This webpage is for searching machines that are used in Fab Lab Madrid.

This webpage its for searching some machines that are used in the laboratory Fab Lab IED Madrid. Where you can download files of 3D printer. Makers collaborate on 3D designs. Where you can share DIY creations.