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・ApriAttenda ver.2. On February 6th 2009, Toshiba unveiled ApriAttenda ver.2.

・ApriAttenda ver.2

The biggest improvement over the earlier model is the inclusion of two arms, both of which have 3-fingered hands with which the robot can grasp simple objects, such as specially designed food trays and handles. It operates on AIST’s Open-HRP3 robot middleware. The original ApriAttenda could follow a person around, presumably to keep an eye on them or your house while away.

The new version is designed to take a much more active role, helping out the old and infirm around the home, moving about on wheels. Bandit_pioneer3. Plastic Pals - Robots who are fun to be with!

Midterm presentation

005847ch1. Rulebook. Technical. Design. Interaction.