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Explaining integral approach

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Integral Perspective (& Integral Coaching) - Lille, France. Une Brève Intro de la Théorie Intégrale de Ken Wilber (AQAL) AQAL in Action part 1. VIDÉOS CÉLÈBRES ! (Les publicités qui s'affichent au haut de cette page, en haut de cette note, ainsi qu'en bas de cette page. ne sont pas de moi mais de Google et je ne peux les enlever. J'espère que nous pourrons y découvrir un jour, de bonnes informations, par la Loi d'attraction !) Je ne sais pas si elles seront célèbres ou non un jour, mais j'aimerais qu'elles le deviennent, non pas pour la célébrité personnelle que cela m'apporterait, mais parce que je sais que les informations qu'elles contiennent pourraient vraiment aider beaucoup de gens à transformer leur vie !

Je sais aussi qu'elles pourraient permettre à des milliers de gens de se guérir - physiquement, psychologiquement et spirituellement - de ne plus souffrir, de se réjouir de plus en plus, et même, pour certains, d'apprendre à s'immortaliser, eh oui, s'immortaliser, donc ne plus vieillir et ne plus dépérir. Je sais qu'elles aideront de nombreuses personnes à s'éveiller et à voir le monde différemment, alors juste pour cela, 45. Integral Theory. Integral theory, a philosophy with origins in the work of Sri Aurobindo and Jean Gebser, and promoted by Ken Wilber, seeks a synthesis of the best of pre-modern, modern, and postmodern reality.[1] It is portrayed as a "theory of everything,"[2] and offers an approach "to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching.

"[1] It has been applied by scholar-practitioners in 35 distinct academic and professional domains as varied as organizational management and art.[1] Methodologies[edit] AQAL, pronounced "ah-qwul," is a widely used framework in Integral Theory. It is also alternatively called the Integral Operating System (IOS) or by various other synonyms. The term stands for "all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, and all types. " Sri Aurobindo, Jean Gebser, and Ken Wilber, have all made significant theoretical contributions to integral theory. AQAL Theory – Lines. Principles and Properties: H. Théorie Intégrale (AQAL) Integral (spirituality) Integral thought is claimed to provide "a new understanding of how evolution affects the development of consciousness and culture.

"[3] It includes areas such as business, education, medicine, spirituality, sports,[14] psychology and psychotherapy.[15] The idea of the evolution of consciousness has also become a central theme in much of integral theory.[16] According to the Integral Transformative Practice website, integral means "dealing with the body, mind, heart, and soul. "[17] As described by Sri Aurobindo and his co-worker The Mother (1878–1973), this spiritual teaching involves an integral divine transformation of the entire being, rather than the liberation of only a single faculty such as the intellect or the emotions or the body. (T)he Divine is in his essence infinite and his manifestation too is multitudinously infinite. The project of "The Integral University in Paris" was launched 28 February 2008.