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M.I.M – Mutualisation Inter-Ministérielle Logiciels Libres. Baromètre Compas - La fracture numérique. Coworking - Euratech. □Psychology of Design: 101 Cognitive Biases & Principles That Affect Your UX. Explorer / Twitter. Twitter : 10 opérateurs de recherche à connaître. Secure Co-browsing Software. Free and open source WalkMe alternatives. Guided tours are a series of small pop-ups added to a website, that guide users through the steps required to accomplish a task.

Free and open source WalkMe alternatives

Recently guided tours have gained a lot of attention, as they are a user-friendly, natural way of assisting users on online interfaces. There is a large demand for solutions that you can use to create guided tours. From a wide variety of available solutions, this post aims to offer an overview of guided tour applications that have a free trial, free plan, or a free, open source version. WalkMe offers a collection of Walk-Thrus (guided tours), analytics, pinpointed search, onboarding and surveys. These modules are integrated to create a powerful and complete engagement platform. WalkMe features By exploring the many features WalkMe offers, you can learn more about what you can do with guided tour solutions in general and think about what features to look for when deciding about the platform of your choice.

Pricing and plans. 11 Best Icebreakers for Meetings & Training Seminars. Icebreakers were initially part of the dating game.

11 Best Icebreakers for Meetings & Training Seminars

It made sense; two people meeting for the first time and the whole situation rife with nervousness. However, the term “icebreaker” became so popular at one point that it eventually transitioned into the professional world. Today, we see different companies looking to learn different icebreakers for meetings & training seminars. Icebreaker techniques are popular for a variety of reasons. My personal favorite is that they loosen up the atmosphere to a degree where everyone feels comfortable. Many organizations work on their employees’ communication skills by scheduling training sessions on the subject of icebreakers for meetings. The point is that these activities have now become the norm. 6 Team Building Exercises and Games to Foster Creative Thinking. Sans titre. Challenges d'Open Innovation. Annuaire des entreprises & organismes de l'innovation - startup région Sud.

Marie Glandus □ on LinkedIn: #ethnographie #ux. Logiciel de réservation de rendez-vous en ligne gratuit et Appli de réservation. Bien débuter en no-code. Minimum Viable Product – How to Build an MVP for Your Project and Why You Should. A product with just enough features to gather comprehensive qualitative feedback Proof of concept, prototypes, wireframes, mockups… what actually constitutes a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Minimum Viable Product – How to Build an MVP for Your Project and Why You Should

In practice, it's as easy to understand the concept of an MVP is as it is to ride a bicycle. So should we compare MVPs to a bicycle then? Let's do it. In this article, I will shed light upon: What is an MVP? Every customer wants to be heard and understood. WiseMapping. Covid-19 - Le Startup Rescue Kit de France Digitale. Manifeste #OpenSeriousGame - OpenSeriousGame. How to Track the Team’s Mood with a Niko-niko Calendar » Agile Trail. Example of a Niko-niko Calendar for Teams You can track a lot of stuff in Agile projects, like lead time, velocity, bugs and so on.

How to Track the Team’s Mood with a Niko-niko Calendar » Agile Trail

Tracking those metrics helps the team to identify problems early and without them it’s harder to improve. The faster you can get those numbers, the faster you can analyse them, look ahead and steer the project in a better direction. This is all about tightening the feedback loop. The faster you get feedback, the faster you can react. Feelings are the fastest feedback I know. Nelly Brossard : « Les outils technologiques utilisés à bon escient permettent de créer et de renforcer le lien social » - talkspirit. Transformations numériques du travail : chiffres et tendances. Aidants Connect. Le Growth Hacking, la stratégie digitale devenue incontournable - WeSprint. Faire le bilan - LE ROTI AGILE. 27 Revenue Models for B2C & B2B. #1 Loss / Aversion A technique used by drugs dealers for many years and also known as locking-in customers: give something for free (or cheap) and provide lots of hassle (€ or effort) when they want to change to a different service/solution. #3 Acquisition convenience The acquisition of new customers is an expensive business associated to convincing a customer to buy your product/service.

27 Revenue Models for B2C & B2B

Ultimate convenience is achieved when customers are coming to you without active sales or marketing. #5 Employee satisfaction Employees can be seen as internal clients of a company. . #7 Flexibility (aka. lower fixed cost) High investments equal high risk. . #9 OPEX saving Automation of repetitive tasks and making an organisation ‘lean’ are examples of clean OPEX savings. . #11 Strategic partnership Typically two companies form a strategic partnership when each possesses one or more business assets that will help the other, but that each respective other does not wish to develop internally. 7 alternatives à Padlet. Padlet devient payant, vous ne disposerez plus que de trois Padlets gratuits, il faudra payer pour ouvrir des Padlets supplémentaires. Voici quelques alternatives possibles à cet outil devenu incontournable pour certains parmi nous.

Aucun de ces outils n’est aussi complet que Padlet, mais certains offrent des fonctionnalités intéressantes et nouvelles. Lino 2021 Lino est un mur virtuel assez proche de Padlet sur lequel vous pouvez ajouter des notes avec du texte, des images, des vidéos ou des documents. Le mur lui-même est personnalisable, Lino propose quelques fonds et vous pouvez ajouter n’importe quelle image de fond depuis votre ordinateur.

Lino a une fonction collaborative via les adresses mail des collaborateurs. Les 22 propositions avancées dans le rapport #CAP22. TimeTonic. Une base de données intelligente pour tout gérer en équipe. TimeTonic est une étonnante base de données visuelle, aussi souple et flexible qu’un tableur qui permet de tout gérer en équipe, au bureau comme en mobilité.

TimeTonic. Une base de données intelligente pour tout gérer en équipe

Un outil impressionnant auquel je prédis un grand avenir. L’idée des concepteurs français de TimeTonic est révolutionnaire. TimeTonic - Solution visuelle, cloud et mobile de gestion et de collaboration pour les professionnels. Qu'est-ce qu'un réseau social d'entreprise ou RSE représente en 2017 ? Les réseaux sociaux s’invitent également au sein des entreprises. Place au réseau social d'entreprise qui se glisse dans la communication interne des structures avec une forte tendance aux outils à dimension collaborative. Intranet d'entreprise ou RSE : que choisir ? Quelle définition d'un RSE donner ?

Intranet d'entreprise ou RSE : que choisir ?

RSE signifie réseau social d’entreprise. On rencontre ce terme de plus en plus souvent : en entreprise comme dans les organismes publics ou encore les associations.