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Content Creator? Make Sense Of Google AuthorRank. If you’re a content creator, you’re aware of Google’s AuthorRank.

Content Creator? Make Sense Of Google AuthorRank

It’s a way to build your authority online. To assess your “authority,” do a Google search for a piece of content you’ve written. If your image pops up next to your content in the results, you’ve got authority, in Google’s eyes. All you need to do to get the magic image is join Google+, then associate your name with your content. There’s a lot of discussion about whether or not Google takes AuthorRank into account in its search algorithm. In a sense, it doesn’t matter. I’m convinced that if you’ve properly set up Google Authorship; and you’re creating memorable, well-targeted, authoritative content; and you’re building effective networks of fans and key influencer relationships to help spread it, you’re well in position for whenever “AuthorRank” comes calling.” Got AuthorRank? Virante has created a free Author Rank tool, currently in beta. Just enter your Google+ account ID, and click GO.

I tried it. Here are mine: Qué era el AuthorShip. Qué es el Author Rank. Desde que Google eliminara las fotos de los autores en los snippets de las SERPS no he parado de leer que Google+ ya no era necesario para hacer SEO.

Qué era el AuthorShip. Qué es el Author Rank

Yo no lo creo así, y ya lo puse en mi anterior post, que las prisas para hacer este tipo de cambios sin que nadie haya experimentado pueden salir muy caras (aunque dudo que nadie de los que escriben sobre quitar el rel=”author” lo hayan sacado de sus proyectos). How To Get Found On Google Plus With This Hashtag Strategy. Not using G+ yet?

How To Get Found On Google Plus With This Hashtag Strategy

You should be, and here's why. As you know, Google is the go-to search engine. Not only are your G+ posts searchable on Google, but now, hashtags are searchable as well. With hashtags and regular content searchable, that gives you two distinct ways to be found. I tested a search for the hashtag #socialmedia. How to Build Your Google+ Hangout Audience. How to Encourage Google+ Fans to Share Your Content. Are you using Google+ to promote your brand or content?

How to Encourage Google+ Fans to Share Your Content

Do you want to find Google+ fans who love what you do and will share it with others? When people share your stories, campaigns or products with their friends, they’re giving it their stamp of approval and their friends take notice. This word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable, but how do you find these super-fans? Google Plus es lo mejor que le ha sucedido al Social Media. Llevo varios años escuchando, debatiendo y escribiendo sobre las ventajas de Google Plus como herramienta de Social Media (ojo, no he dicho como red social) Los “expertos de pacotilla” siguen aún debatiendo sobre si esta herramienta es útil, sobre si está viva, muerta o si sobrevivirá.

Google Plus es lo mejor que le ha sucedido al Social Media

Yo no soy experto, así que me remito a los hechos: En el reciente estudio “The State of Social Media” de 2014 se hace evidente que Google Plus sigue su vertiginoso ascenso en el uso que se le da como herramienta, con la tasa de crecimiento más acelerada de todas las redes sociales, según muestra la imagen que dejo a continuación.

Un estudio similar del año pasado, señalan a Google Plus como la segunda red social más usada, tal y como también se aprecia en la siguiente imagen. El caso es que no sólo los estudios lo señalan… Los resultados que estamos obteniendo desde The Plan Company en las estrategias en las que hemos incluido a esta red social son sorprendentes. El inquietante mapa de tu vida, según san Google. Por David G.

El inquietante mapa de tu vida, según san Google

11 Ways to Get More Followers for Your Google+ Business Page. Google+ Is an Island of Misfit Toys. One of the side stories of the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Christmas TV special was the Island of Misfit Toys.

Google+ Is an Island of Misfit Toys

The island is a sanctuary for defective and unwanted toys. Thing is, once these alienated holiday presents found each other, they found home, friendship, community, and a family. Once, people physically moved somewhere else to find themselves: to Los Angeles for film, New York for art and fashion, Boston for academia and music, or San Francisco for a more open lifestyle – free from consensus reality and puritanical mores. Birds of a Feather Flock Together With the advent of the Internet and the virtual community, it’s been easier than ever for birds of a feather to do much more than just flock together – they’re able to discover that they’re swans and not ugly ducklings well before taking to the sky in V formation.

The Walled Garden Versus the Wilderness. Twelve Things You Should Do on Your Personal Google+ Account Right Now. Like it or not, Google+ is becoming more important in the digital marketing landscape.

Twelve Things You Should Do on Your Personal Google+ Account Right Now

Google+ is not just a Facebook redux. Instead, it comprises a huge part of the social milieu of your online existence. Google+ has subtly creeped into your emailing, browsing, article writing, creating Google+ business pages, and a variety of other activities across the web. I think it’s more important than ever before for digital marketers to embrace the potential of Google+, and use it to its full advantage. Google+ at 540 million users now trails Facebook (1 billion users) as the second-largest social network, but its impact extends far beyond social sharing and interaction. Para entender la red social Google+

A menudo quedamos capturados en discusiones de pasillos virtuales que promueven fanatismos más que conocimiento acerca de los difentes productos disponibles en el océano digital.

Para entender la red social Google+

Una de esas discusiones interminables es si Facebook o Google Plus, si una es mejor que la otra, si una es más amistosa o más seria, o la usan más las mujeres o los hombres, y así hasta el infinito. Lo cierto es que cada una cumple un rol determinado, tiene fortalezas y debilidades y la tarea de quienes ayudamos a poner estas herramientas efectivamente al alcance de personas y organizaciones es encontrar cúal es mejor en cada caso y para crear flujos subsidiarios de qué objetivos. ¿Cómo Medimos el Engagement en Google Plus? How To Cultivate a Relationship on Google Plus. Google Plus is a platform above all others.

How To Cultivate a Relationship on Google Plus

It’s micro-blogging aspects makes the social update stand out to your follower when done in the right way. Google Plus can single-handedly bring your blog to the forefront of social marketing, however, you have to understand what to do in order to make this happen. Some people think that building links are the most important part of marketing for your site. Others, think the best strategy is link dumping all day long to get the maximum benefits. My strategy actually takes a little longer, but, like the concrete foundation of my home, it will last through anything. I want to talk to you about relationship marketing. I have learned a lot in the past six months that I have been on this platform.

One of the best ways to solidify your presence on Google Plus is through the influential people on this platform. Interaction on updatesEngaging in the commentsResharing other people’s postsThe ping and it’s benefits to your update success.