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How to Use Social Media at Work Without Losing Focus. Social media has become a cornerstone of consumer life. The Pew Center points out that as of January 2014, 74 percent of American adults use social networking sites. The trend makes sense, as platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest make it extremely easy for online audiences to organize the things—social relationships, birthdays, products and photos—that are most important to them.

When it comes to the workforce, however, there is an arbitrarily fine line between personal and professional identity. Many organizations implement a “no social media while on duty” policy, leaving team members feeling uncomfortable about mixing what they’re doing at work and in their spare time. In some situations, organizations have no social media at all, which is even more awkward, as employees often feel guilty about browsing Facebook and Twitter at work. The fact is that your company needs to think about its social media policy in realistic and constructive ways. Establish a clear policy. You are not your browser history. I’m a 26 year-old from Montreal, a 27 year-old in Vegas, and a retiree with a penchant for photography. Mostly I’m unemployed. I’m a gamer, a fashionista, an occasional beer drinker, and a dog owner. I graduated from a community college, I like to travel, and I wear glasses.

Also, I might be Jewish. Last week, I paid ten strangers five dollars to write character studies of me based on the advertisements that show up in my web browser. I told them nothing about my age, gender, location, lifestyle or career– instead they were asked to stitch a biography together from banner ads for bicycles, underwear, software, books and movies. “The random individual who viewed web-based ads over a two week period is most likely an unemployed man in his early thirties.” The data for this experiment was gathered using Floodwatch, a browser extension I’ve been working on at The Office for Creative Research, with Ellery Royston, Ian Ardouin-Fumat and Ashkan Soltani. Notes: Psychology and Social Media Marketing. Businesses rely heavily on social monitoring tools and analytics software has become increasingly accurate and pervasive. A marketing professional now has the power to monitor everything on a business’s social media accounts. Courtesy of software aids like Google Alerts that marketing professional can receive automatic alerts that tells them when their business has been mentioned.

The problem however is the inability of software to understand context within human behavior meaning that often what’s said about a brand isn’t always accurately understood. Sifting through millions of social media posts every single day is a time consuming (and often unforgiving) task. Now though developers are concentrating on psychological principles to develop more tailored, bespoke, and sophisticated algorithms. Human Psychology – the Three Part Brain Understanding context is incredibly hard to do because every individual has subjective experiences and their own way of perceiving the world.

Comunicación eficaz: 50 Frases para reflexionar | El blog de Natalia Sara. Entre mis manías –confesables- está coleccionar frases: cuando leo/oigo una en un libro, periódico, revista, radio, anuncio, etc. y me gusta, me impacta, me hace pensar, la apunto. Y las paso a un cuaderno de frases de lo más variopinto que, de vez en cuando, me gusta releer porque, pese al paso del tiempo, siempre me resultan inspiradoras. Esas frases son como pequeños tesoros. Me fascinan los titulares impactantes en las entrevistas, los ‘claims’ de empresas o marcas que resultan redondos, las frases ingeniosas y aquellas que destilan alma y sabiduría.

Hay frases que consiguen hacernos ‘clic’: aquellas que logran que más allá de que al leerlas u oírlas puedas estar o no de acuerdo con ellas, nos trasladan a realizar una pequeña reflexión. Nos hacen parar, aunque sea unos segundos. He aquí una pequeña colección de 50 frases sobre la comunicación, algunas propias y otras recolectadas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Ignite Innovation with Service Design Thinking | Touchpoint Dashboard. Part I: An Introduction Over the past few weeks, I’ve enjoyed reading various customer experience-related articles and blogs that offer insightful predictions for what’s to come in 2014. Out of all the reading I’ve done, I’ve noticed a common theme emerging in every forecast… Empathy. In fact, one excellent post in particular, written by Bruce Temkin, specifically refers to 2014 as “The Year of Empathy.”

In it Mr. Temkin states that this year companies will increasingly focus on customer experience, and many will realize that they lack a deep understanding and appreciation for their customers. And… they’ll be looking for new ways to gain that understanding. Yes, I believe that empathy will indeed abound in 2014, and I think we’ll see some exciting things related to customer experience and product development as a result. The principles, processes and techniques associated with Design Thinking are taking the business world by storm.

Let’s start with why you should care. Be Sociable, Share! Como ser un buen Community Manager. Cómo analizar tendencias en Internet. ¿Cómo podemos plantear cuáles son las palabras clave correctas a la hora de planear una campaña digital? Existe una variedad de herramientas que, a partir de palabras clave, nos permiten echar un vistazo en profundidad al comportamiento de los consumidores online. En el caso de las redes sociales, muchas de ellas no cuentan con el instrumental necesario para poder analizar nuestros resultados. Una de las más avanzadas es Facebook Insights, que si bien nos ofrece muchos datos relacionados con el alcance de nuestras publicaciones y también de la demográfica de una determinada fanpage, no puede ayudarnos mucho a la hora de plantear nuestras palabras clave. Por eso, hoy hablaremos sobre algunas utilidades para analizar tendencias en Internet.

Google Trends Google Trends es una de las herramientas más conocidas para analizar tendencias en Internet. Topsy Hemos hablado de Topsy en otras oportunidades como una genial herramienta para poder analizar y medir nuestra performance en Twitter. SpyFu. "Los 'nativos' del mundo digital y el futuro de las TIC. LA EXPRESIÓN 'DIGITAL NATIVES' (los nativos digitales) está entrando en el lenguaje común. Algo comparable a como googlear se volvió verbo. La expresión nativos digitales fue utilizada varias veces durante una conferencia organizada a mediados de mes para explicar a inversionistas una nueva tendencia. Es más, los organizadores habían invitado a dos nativos para que quede claro que no utilizan las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) como los menos jóvenes.

Hoy día, quien quiera tener idea de hacia dónde vamos tiene que entender cómo las usan los nativos. La expresión digital natives ha sido lanzada por Marc Prensky en oposición a digital immigrants (los inmigrantes llegados tarde a las TIC), en un ensayo publicado en 2004 bajo el título The death of command and control (La muerte del mando y control). "En contraste con sus padres, que solían querer guardar en secreto la información, los 'nativos digitales' adoran compartir y distribuir información en cuanto la reciben. 32 Do's and Don'ts for Your B2B Pinterest Strategy. 4 Ways to Turn Online Relationships Into Valuable Business Contacts. It can be easy to become "friends" or "connected" with someone in a digital world, but it requires thought and strategy to convert social media connections into rewarding business relationships. As a business owner, what's the sense in having droves of followers and connections if you aren't able to turn them into paying customers?

Here are five steps to turning your online relationships into real world success: 1. Take an active interest. There's a big difference between adding a new connection to your social media account and actually getting to know someone. Related: 5 Ways to Be a Better Leader Online Recent Articles From Lewis Howes It amazes me how so few people take the time to do this. Knowing this type of personal information can be critical when sparking conversation for in-person meetings. 2.

Unfortunately, most people think the exact opposite by asking themselves, "What can this relationship offer me? " 3. Related: Online Marketing Strategies for a Tight Budget 4. 5 Tips for Building a Community Management Strategy. Are you looking to build a community management strategy for your business? Here are five ways to get started building an effective community management strategy. Social media allows great opportunity for building relationships and communicating directly with customers.

To facilitate these relationships, the role of community manager is becoming increasingly important for all types of businesses. Usually, community managers are the social media voices of their brands, fulfilling multiple roles including social media strategists, customer service managers, content creators, product managers and evangelists. #1: Metrics—What are your objectives as a new community manager? Identify the metrics and goals for your new role or community-building program. Community-building progress to measure: As it turns out, your role might be a combination of these. . #2: Listening—Where does your target audience hang out already?

When you’re starting a community from scratch, you need to fish where the fish are. 5 Ways to Become a Social Media Rock Star. Editor's Note: Entrepreneur's Ask the Expert column seeks to answer questions about everything from starting a business to growing one. To follow the column on Twitter -- and ask a question -- use hashtag #ENTexpert, or leave a comment below.

Your query may be the inspiration for a future column. Q: Please name the top five things that make your social media advertising strategy successful. -Sundas Liagat A: Social-media success is often a long list of little things done right. While there is no shortcut to success, the below tips will help get your social-media campaign on the right track. 1. Write well. Related: How to Find Influencers Who Want to Share and Link to Your Content 2. Always use the targeting tools these platforms provide to avoid aimlessly issuing a single ad at the maximum audience size. 3. Answer questions. Related: 4 Ways to Turn Social-Media Fans Into Raving, Loyal Customers 4. 5. Related: Social Search: What It Is and How to Add It to Your Marketing Strategy. 50 Social Media Case Studies You Need To Bookmark. With so many social media platforms to choose from, knowing which one will generate results, or even figuring out how you can use them to achieve your objectives can be difficult to figure out.

Because examples tell you more than theory ever could, we've rounded up 50 different resources for you to get into and help improve your business. Covering everything from Facebook to Pinterest to email marketing, you'll find useful case studies for you to take inspiration from, regardless of which platform you use. Facebook - Co-create lists what it feels are the five best campaigns that appeared on Facebook, none of which required actual Facebook ads. - How a Facebook campaign helped increase sales by 35% and get free PR worth €200,000. - Econsultancy looks at whether Facebook promoted posts work or not. - Cadbury's experiments with its content saw it gain 40,000 new fans on its Facebook page and 350,000 people were actively involved in the campaign.

Twitter LinkedIn Google+ YouTube Pinterest Instagram. 6 Steps for Successful Content Marketing Using SlideShare's Search. CLEAT - Social Media Metrics & Reporting  - Convert With Content. When I first started in social media, which, not to date myself or anything, was before social media was a "thing," it started with blogs. Yes, blog networks were the first social media networks out there. Then came Friendster, then Myspace, and then Twitter and Facebook, along with the social media eco-system as we know it. What I'm trying to say is that I've been in the social media game for a long time. When businesses first started with social media, metrics were all about followers and fans. How many you had was all that really mattered. Since then, a lot has changed. With the increase in niche and community sites, follower count and sheer numbers aren't as important as they used to be. We know how important it is to use social networks as a form of marketing.

CLEAT Metrics ConversionsLeadsEngagementAffectTraffic Conversions Conversions are the most important aspect of the equation. Leads At ConvertWithContent, we live by the idea of lead magnets. What metrics do you measure? Content Curation - Overview - Convert With Content. By Stephanie Frasco - May 14, 2013 - Content Marketing - 1 Comment Analytics are like a drug to me. I am addicted. Okay, I guess I can say that about LinkedIn too. But in all honesty, not a day goes by where I'm not logging into our statistics to see where our traffic comes from. More often than not, I'm seeing traffic coming from specific content related sites. In this article, we'll get down to business about how you can curate content for branding yourself and your business as an expert in your field. What Is Content Curation? Content Curation, in its most simplest terms, is the act of gathering related, targeted pieces of content and sharing it. Who Are The Content Curators?

Content Curators can be anyone who engages and shares content online. Why Is Content Curation Important To Businesses? Content Curation is important to businesses because it allows you to brand yourself as an expert in a certain topic and allows you to be a thought leader . Where To Curate Content Instagram Content Marketing Questions to Ask and Answer [INFOGRAPHIC] Crea un plan estratégico que funcione de verdad. Un plan estratégico nos permite planear nuestras tácticas y acciones futuras, pero también nos permite aprender de errores que cometimos en el pasado al realizar el análisis de lo que hemos hecho antes. Un plan estratégico es la hoja de ruta de nuestras acciones de marketing, es lo que va a guiar todas y cada una de las cosas que hagamos. A pesar de la gran importancia que tiene para cualquier marca un plan estratégico, hay muchísimas empresas que todavía no lo tienen porque no quieren gastar dinero en algo que no consideran importante, lo que es un gran error.

Un ejemplo claro es el ajedrecista: con una estrategia adecuada, va a ser capaz de crear una táctica y mover las piezas a los escaques adecuadas para, de esta manera, dar jaque mate. Para empezar, necesitamos establecer y definir nuestros objetivos. Deben ser objetivos claros y alcanzables a corto, medio y largo plazo, objetivos que nos ayuden a no perder el norte. ¿Qué otras cosas se te ocurren? Customer Experience (CXM) Articles, News. Philip Letts likes to say he is "reinventing how businesses do commerce. " He's CEO of UK-based blur Group — an "s-commerce company," as he explains it. In this case, the "s" stands for business services. The company developed a platform for buying business services. Letts said his company's Global Services Exchange uses its proprietary platform to help about 45,000 business users in 145 countries buy, sell and deliver core business services and take advantage of Software-as-a-Transaction to pay for these projects.

The company was founded in 2006 and the Global Services Exchange was formally launched in January 2010. Back then, Letts said, just around three projects per month were submitted. Now, nearly 300 projects start on the Exchange each month. Customers include Danone, Broadridge, Exceed, HCA, Momentive, Red Commerce, the Financial Times, Berlitz, Butlins, GE Healthcare and Tyco. Want to know more? Customer Experience Management: What It Is and Why It Matters. Cómo eliminar el fondo de una fotografía complicada con el lazo de Pixlr. Cómo gestionar una red social | Arantxa Vico. Cómo hacer marketing de contenidos orientado a resultados: el método 4x4. Experience Web | As goods and services become commoditized, the customer experiences that companies create will matter most… Experiential Platform. Frustrating Twitter User Habits. How Marketers Can Improve Social Media Reach, Engagement, Sentiment. How Surveys Can Help You Create More Effective Content Marketing.

How to Become a Socially Engaged Brand | MasterCard. How to Choose the Best Social Media Platform for Your Business. How to Make a Complete Map of Every Thought you Think. How To Measure Your Community Managers Success. How to use Google+ for Social SEO. How to Use Social Media to Boost In-Store Sales. How Your Local Business Can Use Pinterest To Increase Foot Traffic - Convert With Content. Increase Website Rank By Nofollowing Key Internal Navigation Links. Influencer Marketing Strategy - Where To Find Influencers (Part 1)  - Convert With Content. Influencer Marketing Strategy - Where To Find Influencers (Part 2)  - Convert With Content. International Digital Marketing » Social Media: Facebook is about reach, Google+ is about engagement. Or are they? Is Your Content Worthy of a Like, Share, Pin, Retweet, Google +1?

Las grandes mentiras sobre los Community Manager. Mi Protocolo personal de Crisis: Explicar en vez de ocultar. Métricas en Medios Sociales y Community Management. Nuevo viral de LG con los monitores y las cámaras ocultas. Protocolo de Comunicación y curvas de contenido. Rolling video into social media. Social Customer Service. Socially Stephanie: Social Media Metrics | Social Media Advice.

Successful Content Marketing. The 7 New Business Facts Of Life For Entrepreneurs. The North Face: 5 Social Media Marketing Tips. Tips On Using Social Media as Your Secret Sales Weapon. Top 5 ROI-producing types of marketing content | Customer Experience Insight. Twitter Analytics - Convert With Content.