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Défilé de la France insoumise - Avec Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Micah White, PhD — Author of The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution and Co-Creator of Occupy Wall Street. SC: Maybe we should stop for a second and talk about what we mean by revolution, because I think that might help the conversation, which I'm enjoying by the way, but this still might help the conversation.

Micah White, PhD — Author of The End of Protest: A New Playbook for Revolution and Co-Creator of Occupy Wall Street

I remember when they were demonstrating in Tahrir Square and then Mubarak left, and I looked around at the NOW offices and I said, "We gotta go out in the streets, man. " I couldn't believe that you could have a demonstration and actually overturn a government. Now, of course, that didn't last long and no good has come of it.

But one of the things you say very pointedly is that we have to take over. We, or the people, the good guys, have to take over legislative and executive powers, which I think... La Police portugaise se joint aux manifestants qu'elle était chargée de réprimer. INDIGNADOS de Tony Gatlif [FA] Roger Waters - The Tide Is Turning (Re: Occupy)