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Global Architecture Graduate Awards Entry Criteria. There are two categories: undergraduate and postgraduate. The prize fund will be divided between the winners, ordinarily one in each category, but this and the attribution of the prize fund is at the jury’s discretion. Winning and shortlisted projects will be published in the AR’s special Academic Annual; and the selected graduates will receive a year’s subscription to the AR. Raga Megh Malhar - 1982 - SYNTHESIZING: TEN RAGAS TO A DISCO BEAT - Charanjit Singh. The challenges of urbanisation may be even greater in small towns. Dusk at a shopping centre in Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh state in India.

The challenges of urbanisation may be even greater in small towns

Smaller urban settlements often lack resources. Photograph: Arcaid Images/Alamy The global population is increasingly gravitating towards urban areas. This shift has already taken place in many small countries, not to mention China, which now has more people living in cities and towns than villages. But even in India – where nearly 70% of the populace is rural, and more than half of all citizens are still reliant upon agriculture – the urban population has grown faster than the rural population over the past decade.

Neapel: Der geschlossene Palast. Menschenwürde, Solidarität, Gerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit, Demokratie. Suchergebnis auf für: the economy of common good. Menschenwürde, Solidarität, Gerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit, Demokratie. The Economy for the Common Good - Christian Felber. RELIESS. New framework law in Portugal Spain and its enabling legislation Greece and its enabling legislation France follows suit Luxemburg also considering doing so Analisis document on iberoamericain legislation in SE New Framework law in Portugal The plenary session of the Assembly of the Republic adopted on March 15 2013, unanimously,the Framework Law of Social Economy (LCES).


Consult the Portuguese Framework Law <<Spain and its enabling legislation In 2011, Spain adopted a enabling legislation concerning social economy that acknowledges the contribution of the social economy in all its forms – cooperative, associative, mutual and foundations – and sets out the guidelines for all its entities. Greece and its enabling legislation. Architecture of Rapid Change and Scarce Resources (ARCSR) - CASS.

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Cities: Where Good Jobs Are Created. If you were to ask me, "From all the data you have studied so far, where will the next economic breakthrough come from?

Cities: Where Good Jobs Are Created

" my answer would be: From the combination of the forces within big cities, great universities, and powerful local leaders. Those three compose the most reliable, controllable solution. Their combined effect is the most predictable solution to America's biggest current problem, which is winning the global war for good jobs. Economic booms originate in the souls of individuals and great cities. The cornerstone of these three is cities, especially America's top cities. Of course cities, like organizations and workplaces, exhibit wide variation in economic outcomes. Architecture of Rapid Change and Scarce Resources (ARCSR) - CASS. Coming Jobs War. Exec Uti Ve B O Ok Su Mmar Ies - Enocta Introduction The coming world war is an all-out global war for good jobs.

Coming Jobs War

As of 2008, the war for good jobs has trumped all other leadership activities because it’s ... Coming jobs war Catalog Copy THE COMING JOBS WAR What Every Leader Must Know about the Future of Job Creation Author: Jim Clifton Gallup Press; October 4, 2011 Hardcover; $24.95; 220 pages. Blue Award 2012 by Vienna University of Technology. Gujarati dress patterns. Billige Toiletten für die Slums in Indiens Städten. Das simple Toilettensystem des 1943 geborenen Inders nutzen mehr als zehn Millionen arme Menschen der extrem dicht besiedelten Stadtslums gegen geringe Gebühren in 7000 Stationen an öffentlichen Plätzen.

Billige Toiletten für die Slums in Indiens Städten

Es ermöglicht neben hygienischem Schutz vor oft lebensbedrohlichen Krankheiten auch die Nutzung von Exkrementen als Biogas zum Heizen, Kochen und der Erzeugung von Elektrizität. Als einen der wichtigsten Erfolge des Systems hoben die Juroren vom Stockholmer Wasserinstitut heraus, dass Pathak und seine Mitstreiter Betroffene von ihrer bisherigen Nutzung von Eimern als Toiletten abbringen. Deren Inhalt werden in der Regel in offene Latrinen oder einfach irgendwo in der Umgebung entleert.

Ein Gut, das wir die Toilette hinunterspülen - Beweisen Sie Ihr Wissen um die Hygienepapiere. Kevin McCloud: Slumming It (2010) - Ep1. Plastic Bottle Homes and Greenhouses. Homes made from Plastic Bottles + Greenhouses, too!

Plastic Bottle Homes and Greenhouses

Plastic bottle house plastic bottle house Eco-Tec's Ecoparque El Zamorano, Honduras. Ecological House: Constructed with 8,000 bottles with composting toilets and a solar water heating system. The green roof can weigh 30 tons when wet and has been supported by the walls without any extra reinforcement. It is the first house in the world made from PET bottles without using cement in the walls. plastic bottle house The same home seen from the inside. Plastic bottle house Eco-Tec's Casa de la Fe. Plastic bottle house Casa de la Fe (Faith House) Honduran Foundation for the Rehabilitation and Integration of the Handicapped. Plastic bottle house Eco Tec's Sky Field House under construction. Navsari - Google Maps. Annual Report Layout Draft 9 - FINAL - Annual Report 2008-09 FINAL.pdf. Curitiba Recycling: Recycling Is Our Future. FOOTPRINTS - Project details: Worm-farming to reduce waste, Pune, India, India.

The project was completed over the months of May, June and July 2013.

FOOTPRINTS - Project details: Worm-farming to reduce waste, Pune, India, India

LET’S NOT LIVE LIKE SLAVES. A film by Yannis Youlountas August 2013 / Duration: 89 minutes Springing from the Greek catacombs of Europe, a murmur through the devastated continent, “Let’s not live like slaves” (pronounced “Na min zisoume san douli” in Greek).


On city walls and countryside rocks, on the empty or destroyed billboards, on alternative newspapers and rebel radios, in squats and self-organised centres that multiply… this is the slogan that the Greek resistance is diffusing, day after day, and is inviting us to join them in choir the melodies of the film. A breath of fresh air, excitement and utopias in action springing from the Aegean Sea. » Waste management: Serious trash talk. India produces more than 55 million tonnes of solid waste every year most of which is deposited in the landfills. » Waste management: Serious trash talk

With the growing urban sector and extensive waste collection, we are heading into a vortex of poor waste management practices. There has been a lot of buzz about waste management for the past decade but little has been done to control it. Plastic Bottle Homes and Greenhouses. Incremental Housing Strategy by Filipe Balestra and Sara Göransson. Architects Filipe Balestra and Sara Göransson have developed a strategy to develop informal slums into permanent urban districts through a process of gradual improvement to existing dwellings instead of demolition and rebuilding. Update: this project is included in Dezeen Book of Ideas, which is on sale now for £12. Developed in Bombay, India, the Incremental Housing Strategy is intended to allow districts to improve organically without uprooting communities. A pilot project will be implemented in Pune, India but the architects believe the strategy could be appropriate in any country with similar urban conditions.

The architects have developed three house typologies (below) consisting of simple frames that allow for later expansion. Open-source recycling machine lets you recycle and make your own plastic products. With actual plastic recycling and recovery rates hovering around 8 percent in the United States for 2011, there's more plastic ending up in landfills than in recycling plants. It begs the question of whether it's a problem of policy, infrastructure or habit, but Dutch designer Dave Hakkens (see his customizable Phonebloks concept and wind-powered oil press, previously), has developed a open-source prototype for a plastics recycling machine, believing that it could be a matter of putting recycling straight into the hands of people, right where they live.

See it in action: Architecture - Recycle City - Brazil - Urban Planning - Energy Efficiency.