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Humor related to language

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40 Most Bloodcurdling Chinese Mistranslations Ever! Warning: You Will Laugh To Death! - Seenox. Chinese, or more specifically Mandarin, is nowadays the most spoken language in the world with around 2 billion speakers. English on the other hand, is the third most spoken language with an estimate of between 300 – 400 million speakers. [1] Even though both languages can be regarded as world languages, translations between the two seem to be much more difficult than expected. Especially, when considering the bloodcurdling examples, which we provided below. Have you ever thought of having a glass of “Cock Light” or “Whiskey & Cock”?

Maybe you should add a plate of “Sixi Roasted Husband” or “Meat Fried Cat Ear” to that order! Nevertheless, we have to acknowledge that we would not have laughed so hard, when the translators would have visited a language course. “干菜” means dried vegetables and “类” means type. Image credits: Chris Radley Image credits: stefan Image credits: Image credits: AtticDweller Image credits: sousveillance Image credits: Image credits: keso Share. Le nom des stations de Métro prises au pied de la lettre. Au milieu des années 90, le photographe Janol Apin a mis en scène les noms des stations du métro Parisien avec humour et imagination. De Monceau à Rue de la pompe en passant par Duroc et Dupleix, les stations parisiennes parlent le langage international du mime. Don't learn German. Psenny: Quand la Mairie de Paris se...