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Le marché de l'huile d'olive

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Tec. Econ. Agrar 01/09/19 Spanish consumers’ behaviour and the determining factors of their willingness to pay for organic olive oil Comportamiento de los consumidores españoles y los factores determinantes de su disposición a pagar por el aceite de oliva. SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH - 2016 - Preference for olive oil consumption in the Spanish local market. OLIVE OIL TIMES 19/12/19 Olive Oil Production in Italy to Exceed Original Estimates. Forecasts drawn up by the Institute of Services for the Agricultural and Food Market (Ismea), in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the national orga­ni­za­tion of olive oil pro­duc­ers, Unaprol, say Italy’s olive oil pro­duc­tion in 2019/20 sea­son could reach 321,000 tons, an increase of 84 per­cent com­pared to last year.

OLIVE OIL TIMES 19/12/19 Olive Oil Production in Italy to Exceed Original Estimates

“The fig­ure is slightly higher than the aver­age of the last four years,” Ismea mar­ket ana­lyst, Tiziana Sarnari, told Olive Oil Times. ​ “We should how­ever con­sider that dur­ing the pre­vi­ous cam­paign, as well as in 2016, the vol­umes pro­duced by the Italian farm­ers were very low.” Despite the cli­mate issues, which have become increas­ingly fre­quent at a global level, pro­duc­tion increased, within a frame­work which appears to be dia­met­ri­cally opposed to last year.- Tiziana Sarnari, Ismea mar­ket ana­lyst Ismea high­lights that this crop year many farm­ers first had to cope with a ther­mal shock, caused by exces­sive cold dur­ing flow­er­ing.

OLIVE OIL TIMES 27/03/19 Olive Oil Production Data in Europe Reveal Divergent Trends - Production in Italy and Greece is down sharply. In Spain and Portugal, it's dramatically higher. Olive oil production is trending in different directions in two European regions.

OLIVE OIL TIMES 27/03/19 Olive Oil Production Data in Europe Reveal Divergent Trends - Production in Italy and Greece is down sharply. In Spain and Portugal, it's dramatically higher.

On the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal have seen their olive oil harvests continuously grow to record levels over the past 15 years. The sector gained a boost in both (Spain and Portugal) by a favorable environment for investments to create infrastructure and the modernization of olive groves.- Jorge de Melo, Sovena CEO Last year, both countries enjoyed excellent yields, with Spain producing 1,598,900 tons and Portugal producing 115,000 tons. These respectively represent the third- and second-best harvests the countries have ever had. Meanwhile, on the other side of the trading bloc, Italy and Greece have both seen annual yields continue to diminish over the same period of time and at a stunningly similar rate.

AGRONEGOCIOS_ES 11/10/18 La campaña oleícola nacional 2017/18 cerró con un stock de unas 375.000 t de aceite de oliva. La campaña oficial de aceite de oliva 2017/18 podría haberse cerrado con un stock a 30 de septiembre de unos 375.000 toneladas, un 23% más que en la campaña anterior, pero un 2,6% y algo más de 10.000 t por debajo de la media de las últimas seis campañas, que fue de 385.050 toneladas.

AGRONEGOCIOS_ES 11/10/18 La campaña oleícola nacional 2017/18 cerró con un stock de unas 375.000 t de aceite de oliva

Según los datos aún bastante provisionales de la Agencia de Información y Control Alimentarios (AICA), que deberán refrendarse a finales de este mes, la producción final de aceite de oliva en esta última campaña habría alcanzado 1,26 Mt, un 2% menos que en la campaña anterior y prácticamente sobre la cifra media de las seis últimas. UNCTAD 29/03/17 Présentation : Commercialisation et marketing de l’huile d’olive au Maroc.

EUROPE 1 14/02/18 Circuits courts - L’huile d’olive : ses bienfaits, son commerce, sa préservation. Partie 1 :L’huile d’olive : ses bienfaits, son commerce, sa préservation.

EUROPE 1 14/02/18 Circuits courts - L’huile d’olive : ses bienfaits, son commerce, sa préservation

COLLEGE DE FRANCE VIA YOUTUBE 14/11/17 La production d'huile d'olive en Espagne de la Préhistoire à l'époque ibérique. BFM BUSINESS 20/06/17 Pourquoi la production française d'huile d'olive stagne désespérément. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez nos CGU et l'utilisation de cookies afin de réaliser des statistiques d'audiences et vous proposer une navigation optimale, la possibilité de partager des contenus sur des réseaux sociaux ainsi que des services et offres adaptés à vos centres d'intérêts.

BFM BUSINESS 20/06/17 Pourquoi la production française d'huile d'olive stagne désespérément

Pour en savoir plus et paramétrer les cookies... bien ensoleillé Vent : 5km/h - UV : 1 Clôture veille : 5289.86 Ouverture : 5278.48 Se connecter S'inscrire Replay Emissions FredericBERGÉ Grand reporter Inscrivez-vous gratuitement à laNewsletter BFM Business La production oléicole française a reculé à 3400 tonnes en 2016-2017, autant qu'en 2000. AFRICAN MANAGER 12/12/17 Tunisie-huile d’olive : La production en hausse de 160 % cette saison. FAS USDA 06/06/17 Italian Olive Oil Overview 2017_Rome_Italy_6-1-2017. Université Pascal Paoli 09/04/13 Thèse en ligne : L'histoire de l'olivier et de l'huile d'olive en Corse de la fin du XVIème siècle au début du XXème siècle - Economie - Société - Aspects culturels. AGRICULTURE_GOV_MA - SEPT 2013 - Veille économique-Secteur oléicole. NEW MEDIT - 2003 - La competitivite du secteur de l'huile d'olive en Tunisie: prix, qualite et avantage concurrentiel national.

TRADE AG - 2007 - Working Paper 08/2 - The Global Market for Olive Oil: Actors, Trends, Policies, Prospects and Research Needs. EUROPE - JUILLET 2012 - Analyse économique du secteur oléicole. PARLEMENT EUROPEEN - Réponse à question P-000334-14 Processing and marketing of olive oil — Deoleo Group. The production, processing and marketing of olive oil is a cornerstone of the Italian and Spanish food industry, and olive oil is a product that, for centuries, has characterised the food culture of an entire region — the so-called ‘Mediterranean culture’ — and is a fundamental part of that culture.

PARLEMENT EUROPEEN - Réponse à question P-000334-14 Processing and marketing of olive oil — Deoleo Group

Some historic Italian brands, such as Bertolli and Sasso, which are part of the company Carapelli S.P.A. , and their respective production sites in Inveruno (Milan) and Tavernelle Val Di Pesa (Arezzo), are now controlled by the Spanish group Deoleo (formerly Sos Cuetara), which also owns the brands Carbonell, Hoijblanca and Koipe. It is worth noting that, according to information provided by the multinational itself, both the Spanish brands and the Italian ones are leaders in their respective national markets and in the European market (where Bertolli comes out top in sales in Germany and the Netherlands and Carapelli is the leading foreign brand in France).

PARLEMENT EUROPEEN - réponse à question E-000762-15 Olive oil market. Bad weather and various plant diseases have caused a fall in olive oil production in Europe.

PARLEMENT EUROPEEN - réponse à question E-000762-15 Olive oil market

Forecasts for Spain point to a 50% drop, while in Italy production has fallen by 35%. France, Italy, Spain and Portugal account for one quarter of global olive oil production. In response to this falling production, accompanied by rising prices, data from the International Olive Council indicate a fall in consumption of 39% in Greece, 26% in Italy and 6% in Spain. The same organisation also reports significant increases in olive oil consumption in the United States (+18%), Japan (76%) and China (150%). All the data point to a shortage of olive oil, as well as the need for policies to support production, considering its huge potential with a view to external demand.

Is the Commission aware of these practices, and what steps will it take to boost public confidence in the single market? UNCTAD - AVRIL 2014 - MULTI-YEAR EXPERT MEETING ON COMMODITIES AND DEVELOPMENT - Olive Oil Market Trends. FRANCE AGRIMER 11/04/12 Le marché de l’huile d’olive : situation & perspectives.