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Poisons. Spiders Slideshow: Black Widow vs Brown Recluse - RxList. Shoot First, Explain Later. Survival Topics - Your Online Survival Kit. No Nonsense Self Defense - Reliable information for dangerous situations. How To Make Use Of Improvised Weapons - Online Survival Blog & Survival News. (This article was originally published on and written by Chris Black. To Read this article and more like it please click here) We all love our guns and we can’t imagine life without them. We live by the survivalist’s golden rule, the 3 G’s : guns, gold and a getaway plan.

But, if you’re a realist, you must take into consideration any plausible scenario and one of them (maybe the most disturbing one) is the following: What are you going to do in a survival situation when you’re out of ammo and the bad guys are still coming? I don’t know if you saw the movie “Snatch”, but if you didn’t, I highly recommend it. Don’t expect a survival-movie, but it contains one epic scene where “Boris The Blade”, a Russian weapons dealer, is trying to sell a big bad-ass looking pistol to some guy, and he says (after the customer noticed that the gun is pretty heavy): “Heavy is good, heavy is reliable, if it doesn’t work, you can always hit him with it”.

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