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Goats. Articles: Curiousfarmer. Raising Rabbits. On Small Farms, Hoof Power Returns. Basic Hoof Care for Horses. Basic Hoof Care for Horses The hoof is a vital part of the horse and a healthy hoof is essential to the well being and usefulness of the horse. Trimming is necessary to prevent sand cracks and breaking off of the hoof wall, which often results in lameness. Trimming is also required to balance the hooves so a horse moves consistently and at its best. A horse that receives regular hoof care is potentially a safer horse to ride, both to the rider and horse itself.

They are less apt to slip, stumble or fall. Moreover, they are less likely to sustain injuries that would either put them out of service or require the services of a veterinarian. Horses should receive routine hoof care at intervals of 4 to 8 weeks. Regardless of whether the horse is being shod or trimmed, it is important to keep in mind the feet should be trimmed in such a manner as to keep them in a condition as close as possible to that which nature intended. Hoof Care is Good Economy Proper care of hooves is basic economy. Pros & Cons Of Raising Your Own Grass Fed Beef. I grew up on a small cattle ranch nestled in against the foothills of the North Cascade Mountains.

White face Herefords dotted the green pasture like daisies. The sound of my father’s old red Ford pickup truck rolling across the dirt track of the long abandoned railroad track called the herd better than any cattle dog. (excerpt from Pioneering Today-Faith and Home the Old Fashioned Way) Every evening from October to May, I drove the truck while Dad tossed out about 35 bales of hay from the back. I had never cooked store bought meat. We now have our own herd of natural grass fed beef. Cons Space-Unlike chickens, cows need more than just a backyard, so you need some acreage to raise cattle.

Cost of feed-Even with adequate pasture, you’ll have to purchase feed for the winter months. Fencing-There’s the initial cost of fencing. Care-Cattle don’t take an extreme amount of care, but they do require some. Pros Taste-You can’t beat the taste of naturally grass fed beef. Related posts: 2 Ways To Milk A Cow. Edit Article By HandBy Machine Edited by Docburkhart, Maniac, Krystle, Sondra C and 46 others If you ever find yourself face-to-udder with a cow, you might find yourself having a hard time actually getting milk from your bovine companion. It's not as easy as it looks, especially if there's a milking machine involved. And if the cow is cranky, it can be downright dangerous.

So before you try your hand at milking a cow, here's an outline of how to do it properly and safely. Ad Steps Method 1 of 2: By Hand 1Make sure the cow is tied with a halter to a sturdy post or held in a stanchion. 11Move on to milk the other two teats. Method 2 of 2: By Machine 1Secure the cow in position as outlined above. 2Clean the teats as outlined above. 3Turn on the milking machine and allow it to build pressure. 4Hand-milk each teat a few times to let down the milk and check for mastitis (see Tips). 5Release the pressure so that suction begins. 6Place each suction device on each teat. 10Clean the machine. Video. How To Milk A Cow. Small-Scale Pig Raising. Small-Scale Pig Raising This article is designed for the small producer.

It contains general information on care, feeding and marketing of feeder pigs, sows and litters. Answers to specific questions can be obtained from your county agent. Facilities First of all, check the zoning regulations for your land. Also, you should make sure that your neighbors will not be bothered by odors. In planning for your swine keeping equipment and structures, keep the following points in mind. For shelter, an open-fronted shed with plywood hinged sides is fine for Florida. For preventing the possible spread of contagious diseases, an isolation area for new animals is desirable.

Fence off an area with a four-foot radius around trees to keep the animals from damaging them. Make sure the watering trough will not double as a wallow. Disease and Parasites Buy from a reputable producer and inquire about the health status of the pigs before you buy. Finishing Feeders Raising a Litter Care of the Sow Care of Baby Pigs. How To Get A Pig's Weight Without A Scale. Raising Llamas. Raising Llamas Llamas are one of four main species of New World camelids. The other three species are the alpaca, guanaco and vicuna. These species are thought to have originated from a common ancestor that came across the Bering Strait land bridge.

Camelids are thought to be related to Bactrian and Dromedary camels of Asia. The high dependence of Incan Indians of South America on llamas and alpacas for food and fiber is analogous to the Plains Indians of North America and their relationship to the bison. Incas carried their relationship with llamas a step further through domestication and controlled breeding for beasts of burden.

Llamas are first and foremost pets and companions. Physical Attributes Llamas are 40 to 50 inches high at the withers and 60 to 72 inches tall at the poll. Llamas come in a range of colors and body shapes although these differences are just variations in type and not of breed. Llamas are generally healthy, thrifty animals. Llamas are markedly territorial. Milking, Making cheese and butter.