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The 12 Funniest Hipster Disney Memes (So Far) from Memes! Hipster Kitty. Hipster Kitty, also known as Hipster Cat, shows the head of a cat wearing a hoodie and glasses.

Hipster Kitty

This expands on the hipster meme, which is basically a person who considers themselves to be so “hip” that they in effect out-hip themselves (and everyone else around them), shooting them to a level of hipness that ends up actually being a little bit silly. Most of their time is spent worrying about how un-hip everyone else is, and reaffirming their own hipster credibility amongst themselves by quoting obscure poetry and wearing all the right (mostly vintage) clothes. Hipster meme. Hipster Kitty. About Hipster Kitty (a.k.a Hipster Cat) is an advice animal image macro series featuring a fashion-conscious kitten wearing a lavender hoodie and a pair of thick-framed glasses.

Hipster Kitty

The image macros are typically paired with tongue-in-cheek sayings to poke fun at the self-righteous lifestyles of vintage-loving, cheap beer-sipping, Bukowski-quoting urban demographic. To a certain extent, Hipster Kitty can be seen as a self-parody phenomenon. Origin The original acrylic painting “Allison” was created and uploaded via Flickr by Portland-based artist Craig Wheat in early 2009. A Collection Of The Best Hipster Disney Memes: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Hipster Hospital: you've probably never heard of it. Unhappy Hipsters. Girls That Look Like Skrillex. Adolf Hipster.

Hipster physicist.