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Grow Your Own Vegetables. Low Cost Methods to Build a Vegetable Garden Update. Growing Your Own Garlic - Planting Growing Harvesting and Storing Garlic. As far as I'm concerned, garlic gets the blue ribbon for growing your own.

Growing Your Own Garlic - Planting Growing Harvesting and Storing Garlic

It's absurdly easy to plant and care for; it tastes great; it looks beautiful and it takes up so little ground that even those with very small gardens can raise enough to be self-sufficient in garlic for a good part of the year. All you have to do is choose the right varieties; plant at the right time, in the right soil; then harvest when just right and store correctly. 1. Choosing Types of Garlic If you look in a specialist catalog like the one at Gourmet Garlic Gardens, you'll find dozens of varieties of garlic listed.

You see where this is going – and you can see a lot more types of garlic on either of those websites, but for general purposes the most important difference is the one between softneck and hardneck. Softnecks are so called because the whole green plant dies down to pliancy, leaving nothing but the bulb and flexible stems that are easy to braid. Gardeners in most of the U.S. can try some of both. 2. Practical Plants. Polycultures, Guilds & Companions...

Practical Plants

In addition to each plant being able to record interactions with other individual plants, users can also create polycultures or guilds of known plant combinations that work well together. We are at the very start of our collection of polycultures with The Three Sisters set up as a quick example. You can create your own favourite polycultures here: An open encyclopedia of plant information There are plenty of sources of plant information online. It belongs to all of us Everything is editable by anybody, and licensed under a Creative Commons license to be used by anybody. A specific focus for a broad audience It's simple: if a plant has practical uses, inform how to propagate, cultivate, and use it. It's practical Covering edible, material and medicinal uses, design functions, propagation, cultivation, environmental preferences, interactions, polycultures (and so on...)

Whole Foods GOod EAts!! Whole Foods Market is a nice place to browse around for some real natural, organic, and unsynthesized foods, healthful salts, cruelty free beauty treatments, TONS of soaps, and just about everything you already get from your regular grocery store.

Whole Foods GOod EAts!!

Here are some of the goods I scoped out during my most recent visit! Natural Celtic Sea Salt – click to read the back info panel for yourself Selina Celtic Sea Salt Soaps, soaps, and more soaps! Pink Himalayan Salt in rock form. I love celtic sea salt for food AND washing my teeth!! Natural Celtic sea salt is vastly different from the many refined salts on the market, including those from the sea.

I love celtic sea salt for food AND washing my teeth!!

Refined salts lack the many trace minerals that gives Celtic sea salt its health-promoting benefits. In addition, refined salts contain harmful chemicals and other processing additives. Whole Foods Market. Farmer's Market On Sundays. Seasonal Foods for Summer. Seasonal Foods for Summer It is well-advised to eat fruits and vegetable by the season to enjoy the full benefit of crops that nature intended for us to eat during this time of the year.

Seasonal Foods for Summer

These seasonal fruits and vegetables provide nourishment for our mind and bodies, and can provide us with just what we need for our immune system to fend off any sort of potential harm that comes our way, whether it’s due to weather or temperature change, or bacterial, viral and even genetically inherited medical issue. Here are a few different foods best to be enjoyed during the summer! One clove of raw garlic a day can do a world of good to your heart, blood pressure, and overall health and wellness. It truly is nature’s miracle – studies have even shown that certain compounds in raw garlic kills cancer on contact! Lady Health Nut.