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Invisalign Gets FDA Warning for Allergy Risk. Low-Dose Naltrexone: Medical Revolution Or Pseudoscience? May 13th, 2010 by Steve Novella, M.D. in Better Health Network, Health Policy, Opinion, Research On SBM we have documented the many and various ways that science is abused in the pursuit of health (or making money from those who are pursuing health).

Low-Dose Naltrexone: Medical Revolution Or Pseudoscience?

One such method is to take a new, but reasonable, scientific hypothesis and run with it, long past the current state of the evidence. We see this with the many bogus stem cell therapy clinics that are popping up in parts of the world with lax regulation.

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Mental Health. Body maps. Heart health. Genetics. Medical Information & Answers to Medical Questions. Relation between positive small air ions, weather ... [Ann Allergy. 1983] - PubMed result. Migrains headaches research. MEDgle - On-Demand Clinical Case Analysis for Patients and Health Professionals - search your symptoms, diagnoses, drugs, procedures. Research. Medicines/Remedies. Self Improvement. The Skin Gun. Biofeedback. Food and nutrition. Blocking enzyme cut cancer spread. 22 February 2011Last updated at 05:47 Blocking an enzyme can prevent cells spreading Scientists at the UK's Institute of Cancer Research have prevented breast cancer spreading to other organs in mice by blocking a chemical.

Blocking enzyme cut cancer spread

In their experiments, they showed that blocking the enzyme LOXL2 prevented metastasis. Scientists discover cause of rare skin cancer that heals itself.
