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Products Archive | Carbon 60 Olive Oil Order Research Grade Fullerene C60 Solution OnlineCarbon 60 Olive Oil Order Research Grade Fullerene C60 Solution Online. C60 dosing and an epigenetic theory of action - Page 8 - C60health - LONGECITY - Page 8. 'Turnbuckle', on 02 Jun 2013 - 1:20 PM, said: Stems cells are like cancer cells, their mitochondria are shut down and they rely on glycolysis rather than oxidative processes for energy. Radicals are not a problem for them since they are not producing many. (That's not to say they don't pick up mtDNA errors anyway, but that is another story, having to do, most likely, with the absence of mitophagy.) My main concern is the depletion of the population of stem cells, and if C60 is stimulating the differentiation of stem cells by turning on mitochondria, then a user might see significant positive effects initially, but later on these effects might fade and he might even age more rapidly.

So a complete longevity protocol would need an additional supplement that increases the body's population of stems cells. That is indeed very interesting. It makes sense to me that c60 would attract these macromolecules (if not their aggregates) and hopefully perpetuating the stem cell. BuckyLabs C60 in Olive Oil Solution. We use only ultra-pure (99.95%) carbon 60 (Buckminsterfullerene) from SES Research. Nanoparticles of fullerenes are obtained by carefully hand-grinding the C60 solids by glass mortar and pestle. The micronized C60 is added to high-polyphenol certified-organic extra virgin olive oil.

Each batch of the solution is sealed with a rubber stopper and stirred continuously using a magnetic stirrer for a minimum of 2 weeks. We centrifuge each batch for 1/2 hr at 14000 RPM in a Eppendorf 5414 Centrifuge. The solution is decanted and then vacuum filtered using a 500ml Tisch Scientific sterilized filter system with a .22 micron porisity which is small enough to remove most aggregates (and even bacteria). The filtered solution is measured and distributed into amber colored heat-sterilized glass bottles. Vacuum Filtering Decant and Meter This is a 60ml syringe (1" diameter) so light doesn't penetrate well, but note the color of reflected light on the paper. Dispensing. Olive Oil Solubility.

BuckyLabs C60 in Olive Oil Solution. Products Archive | Carbon 60 Olive Oil Order Research Grade Fullerene C60 Solution OnlineCarbon 60 Olive Oil Order Research Grade Fullerene C60 Solution Online. Where to get pure C60? – C60 Olive Oil. C60 30ml (1oz) | C60 60ml (2oz) | C60 120ml (4oz) | C60EVOO| C60 price - BuckyLabs C60. C60 in olive oil - Buckminsterfullerene C60 in extra virgin olive oil - OwnDoc webshop. Buckminsterfullerene C60 99.95%. 45 mg in 50 ml olive oil 45 mg Buckminsterfullerene in 50 ml in extra virgin olive oil. This is a higher concentration (the maximum attainable at room temperature) than available from other vendors, because we use overhead stirrers instead of magnetic stirrers and we micro-pulverize the C60 first. Competing products such as those of are made by people in their homes, we use an actual lab with sophisticated, sterile manufacturing methods and qualified and certified staff. Our C60 comes from Solaris Chem in Canada.

Note: For dispatch-logistical reasons, orders for this product are sometimes set to "shipped" a few days before the actual dispatch and our tracking nr. email. This product is prepared exactly the same as the product used in the famous rat longevity study where "Bucky" rats lived nearly twice as long as the control group. 99.5% C60 from Solaris in Canada, vacuum-over dried to > 99.95% in our lab. Fullerenes (MPI-FKF) C60 is a molecule that consists of 60 carbon atoms, arranged as 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons. The shape is the same as that of a soccer ball: The black pieces of leather are the pentagons, the hexagons are white. There are 60 different points where three of the leather patches meet. Imagine a carbon atom sitting at each of these points, and you have a model of the C60 molecule. That model, however, is vastly out of scale: If the C60 molecule were the size of a soccer ball, then the soccer ball in turn would be roughly the size of the earth.

The most striking property of the C60 molecule is its high symmetry. There are 120 symmetry operations, like rotations around an axis or reflections in a plane, which map the molecule onto itself. This makes C60 the molecule with the largest number of symmetry operations, the most symmetric molecule. They are called Fullerenes, after the American architect Richard Buckminster Fuller. Truncating an icosahedron: Back to main page. Fullerene C60 administration doubles rat lifespan with no toxicity. Optical microscopy of spleen sections: (a) oral and (b) i.p. treatment with olive oil only; (c) oral and (d) i.p. treatment with C60-olive oil. The arrows indicate C60 crystals-containing macrophages (brown). (Credit: T. Baati et al. /Biomaterials) Researchers at the University of Paris and colleagues fed the molecule fullerene (C60 or “buckyballs”) dissolved in olive oil to rats and found it almost doubles their lifespan, with no chronic toxicity.

The results suggest that the effect of C60, an antioxidant, on lifespan is mainly due to the attenuation of age-associated increases in oxidative stress, according to the researchers. Pharmacokinetic studies show that dissolved C60 is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract and eliminated in a few tens of hours. “These results of importance in the fields of medicine and toxicology should open the way for the many possible biomedical applications of C60 including cancer therapy, neurodegenerative disorders, and aging,” the researcher suggest.