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Comments & Reviews for "Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain" Comments Library Journal: July 16, 2009 Lind-Kyle, Patt. Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain: Applying the Exciting New Science of Brain Synchrony for Creativity, Peace and Presence. Energy Psychology. Oct. 2009. c.253p. illus. ISBN 978-1-60415-056-8. $26.95 with audio CD. PSYCH A therapist, trainer, and longtime meditator, Lind-Kyle (When Sleeping Beauty Wakes Up) writes superbly about the relationship between meditation and the brain. Phyllis Goodman, West Chester Lib., OH “Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain is fascinating, practical, and absolutely essential for everyone, but especially aging baby boomers.

Christiane Northrup, MD Author of The Secret Pleasures of Menopause (Hay House, 2008), Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom (Bantam 2006) “A brilliant journey through the brain-mind, by a courageous traveler who knows the territory first hand. Alberto Villoldo PhD Author of Shaman, Healer, Sage Les Fehmi, Ph.D. Emmett Miller MD. Joyce Dowdall, Managing Partner, Generative Leadership Group A. C. Sandra Bradshaw's Feldenkrais Blog. Increase Your Brain Power With Open Focus Attention December 6, 2010 “Focus, pay attention, concentrate.” became a mantra repeated over and over as I read the assigned course material, studied for exams or did research for essays.

The pressure and stress those words caused me went unnoticed as I struggled to understand and retain the required subject matter. I always managed to do well enough to get decent grades but I could never understand why I had to read things over two or three times for full comprehension when others could read something once and they had it. In the ensuing 40 years my ability to attend has improved in some areas and diminished in others. When we’re ready the “teacher” appears and in this case it arrived in the form of a book by Les Fehmi and Jim Robbins called The Open Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body.

Send me Sandra's blog posts! Comments There are no comments on this post yet. Post a comment on this post. Primal Body Primal Mind Radio by Nora T. Gedgaudas, CNS, CNT. Using the Brain to Dissolve Chronic Pain: Les Fehmi, PhD. Today it’s my pleasure to bring to you Dr. Les Fehmi who is the co-author of Dissolving Pain: Simple Brain-Training Exercises for Overcoming Chronic Pain and The Open-Focus Brain and has been a leader in brainwave biofeedback (also called neurofeedback), training individuals how to balance and regulate their brainwave patterns to improve mental, emotional, and physical health. Today Les talks to us about how we can use our attention with an open focus to work through chronic pain for good and also some tips on what we can do. Elisha: You mention that pain doesn’t exist in the body, but only in the brain, can you say more?

Les: Not only in the brain, but mostly in the brain. And the brain is where we can intervene to heal it. But most of our experience of pain is actually in the brain. Elisha: How is Open Focus different from mindfulness? Les: I have not followed the approach of mindfulness practice. Elisha: What role does our attention play in our perception and healing of pain? The Open Focus Brain from Theatre of the Mind on podbay: open podcasting. Open Focus Brain - book and audio (and Dissolving Pain) | Orgasm Forum - Last longer enjoying The Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger for Men and Women™

Open your focus. Hear the silence. 31st March 2013 By Peter Paul Parker Guest Writer for Wake Up World We give away our sovereignty to our governments. We give away our security to our police forces and security firms. I believe no one should give away their freedom, or stop making their own decisions. Going back a few years now, I was introduced to Dr. I walked into a whole new world of discovery and awareness I knew existed, but hadn’t found the key.

I later had the opportunity to interview Dr. So what is Open Focus? “It is easy to Open Focus your attention. “The Open Focus attention is the opposite to a narrow focus attention, which we use to focus on the problem, on tasks to do or decisions to make. “On the other hand, opening focus of the attention takes only a few moments but immediately makes a noticeable change. “I found that practicing an open focus attention allows me to relax and always see a wider picture. “I am confident Open Focus has the potential to change humanity. About the author: Open Focus Attention. About Me. Who I Am My name is Peter Attia. While I have a background suggesting I should have known something about nutrition, it’s safe to say it wasn’t until early 2010 that I really began to understand how what I ate impacted my health and performance. You can read about my personal journey here.

For the past two years I’ve been obsessively reading everything on the science of nutrition and seeing how I could apply it to myself. I am a relentless self-experimenter and my own experiences, coupled with the work many others, have certainly challenged everything I thought I knew about nutrition. If you are interested in losing weight, reducing your risk of chronic disease (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and many others), and improving your performance (physically and mentally), I think you’ll find my journey interesting and informative, if not outright provocative. The Problem The problem I am trying to fight is dire. 34% of Americans are obese and two thirds are overweight. The Eating Academy | Peter Attia, M.D. The Eating Academy | Peter Attia, M.D.