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About Us. Founded in 1970, the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana’s University Center for Excellence on Disabilities, is committed to providing Hoosiers with disability-related information and services that touch the entire life span, from birth through older adulthood. The Institute’s faculty and staff support this mission and activities through a shared set of values. People with disabilities are full, participating and contributing members of their communities — in school, work, home, neighborhood, spiritual, and recreational settings.People with disabilities exercise choice and control over their futures. People with disabilities have dignity and are treated with respect.People with disabilities and their families are involved in the design and implementation of services and supports. Additionally, shared values are complemented by guiding principles that define the manner in which the Indiana Institute operates.

These principles encompass the following ideals: HandiPartage. Medias Handicaps. Handi'chiens. Agefiph. utilise des cookies. En naviguant sur notre site, vous acceptez l'installation et l'utilisation de cookies sur votre ordinateur. > En savoir plus Accès au menu Accès au contenu Accessibilité Mon compte Créez votre compte Mot de passe oublié Menu @import url("/extension/agefiph_design/design/agefiph_design_2014/stylesheets/fancy/jquery.fancybox.css"); @import url("/extension/agefiph_design/design/agefiph_design_2014/stylesheets/cpn-tv.css"); Vous êtes Une personne handicapée Vos aides et services L'Agefiph vous accompagne dans toutes vos démarches pour accéder et conserver votre emploi.

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