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Laser Cut. OpenMaterials. Idées projets Fab Lab Ajaccio. DIY News - WikiOpenTruc. De WikiOpenTruc.

DIY News - WikiOpenTruc

Le DIY (Do It Yourself) en folie sur actu/compil màj 9/6/2012 mots-clés : DIY, Do It Yourself, fablabs, maker faire, autonomie, Toutes les news sur le sujet ne sont évidemment pas reportées ici. Pour des news plus fraiches, voyez le compte : ou le fil twitter (attention, c'est un fil libéral/libertarien !) 17/2/2014 drones. Resource Library.

» Become a Sponsor Disclaimer: Maker Ed’s online Resource Library contains links to third-party organizations, companies, and commercial products.

Resource Library

By including these resources, Maker Ed intends to highlight their potential value to the maker education community, rather than to provide an endorsement. The library is independently managed by Maker Ed staff, who adhere to a set of guidelines to ensure that all third-party resources are primarily informational, rather than promotional, in nature.


Makey makey. Soudure. Atelier Enfants. A trier. Arduino. Led/circuit. GeekArt! RepRap. Impression 3D.