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General information on mobile use

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Hautes fréquences. Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) The Rise of the Mobile Addict. In May of 2013, KPCB’s Partner and world-renowned analyst Mary Meeker shared her latest Internet Trends Report.

The Rise of the Mobile Addict

In that report, Ms. Meeker shared an interesting stat: “The average mobile consumer checks their device 150 times a day”. That number raised a few eyebrows and led many analysts to question the difference between existing smartphones and highly anticipated “Wearables”. In this report, we have used data from Flurry Analytics to analyze the behavior of consumers that heavily use their smartphones or tablets, a segment we refer to as the “Mobile Addict”.

We have defined a “Mobile Addict” as a consumer that launches apps more than 60 times per day. Mobile Addicts Are Multiplying The chart below shows the year-over-year growth in usage, across all segments of mobile app users. Most Addicted? We dug deeper into the Mobile Addicts segment to better understand that audience. Mobile Addicts were 52% female and 48% male, compared to 48% female and 52% male for an average mobile users. Apple - iPhone 5 - TV Ad - Photos Every Day. The world's premier mobile industry event. Our Mobile Society. Microsoft's new Surface tablet kicks off its Windows 8 push -- the biggest risk Microsoft has taken in decades. BGR executive editor Zach Epstein put it to the test. CNNMoney - Oct 26 2012 9:28 AM ET Apple introduced a tiny sibling for its iconic tablet. The insta-reviews of Apple's iPhone 5 were glowing -- and then the complaints started.

BGR's Zach Epstein tested the iPhone 5 for a full month to see how it fares against rivals. Pew: Social Networking Most Popular In The UK, And Despite The Smartphone App Boom, Voice Calls Remain King. The Pew Center has been running a long-term study on U.S. consumer habits on the Internet and other digital media (you can read about past research findings here); today it’s releasing a new set of data that looks at the wider global state of affairs, as part of Pew’s Global Attitudes Project, specifically covering social media and Internet and mobile usage.

A survey of 26,000 consumers across 21 nations, conducted in March and April of this year, found that the UK is the most social-networked country at the moment; that making voice calls is still, on average and by far, the most popular thing to do with a phone; and that events like the Arab Spring have pushed people to use the Internet more to express political opinions. We’ve embedded the full document below, but here are some of the standout conclusions we have found: When it comes to social networking, the UK has the highest proportion of users with 52%, of adults using social media services like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Internet en France : éclatement des modes d'accès et inquiétudes croissantes sur les données mobiles. De plus en plus connectés, mais de moins en moins homogènes. Si l'on en croit la livraison 2012 de l'étude du Centre de recherche pour l'étude et l'observation des conditions de vie (Credoc), l'utilisation d'Internet n'a jamais été aussi diverse, tant dans ses modes d'accès que dans ses usages.

Plus de 10 milliards de terminaux mobiles en 2016 selon Cisco. Le trafic de données sur les réseaux mobiles a été multiplié par 2,3 fois en 2011.

Plus de 10 milliards de terminaux mobiles en 2016 selon Cisco

Il représente désormais huit fois le volume de tout l’Internet en 2000. Soit 597 pétaoctets par mois. Aéroport de Toulouse : check-in NFC par Mobiles. Alors que de plus en plus de mobiles embarquent la technologie NFC, son utilisation reste encore assez marginale.

Aéroport de Toulouse : check-in NFC par Mobiles

La plupart des gens ne soupçonne probablement même pas l'utilité qu'elle pourrait avoir. En voilà donc un très bon exemple à l'Aéroport de Toulouse où il sera possible d'éviter les files d'attente grâce à son mobile NFC. En partenariat avec RIM et Orange, l'Aéroport de Toulouse Blagnac est en passe de révolutionner les voyages dans les airs, ou du moins les étapes préparatoires au sol, souvent très pénibles. Prévu pour cet été en phase de test, l'aéroport sera le premier au monde à intégrer la technologie NFC à ses procédures de contrôle. Global Pulse. Over the years, governments, development organizations and the private sector have invested untold billions in creating mobile phone-powered programs and services with the potential to help people lift themselves out of poverty and realize their dreams.

Global Pulse

Wherever people are using mobile phones to access digital services and participate in development programs, they are leaving trails behind in the data. We call this "data exhaust," and people everywhere are contributing to an ever-widening ocean of it, for free, merely by going about their daily lives. The private sector is now using innovative technologies to analyze data exhaust from commercial services to understand their customers, identify new markets, and make investment decisions. The time has come for policymakers to begin using these new kinds of data, tools and approaches to protect communities from multiple slow-onset crises that threaten to reverse hard-won progress in human development.

Carnage (2011) Directed by: Roman Polanski Starring: Jodie Foster, John C.

Carnage (2011)

Reilly, Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz Based on Yasmina Reza’s stage play, God of Carnage, director Roman Polanksi delivers his version to the big screen in his latest film, Carnage. Actually, Polanski does not deviate from the original script, with the exception of the opening and ending scenes of the film. Set in a upscale Manhattan apartment, the narrative of the story is about two 11 year old boys who get into a fight at a neighborhood park; one of the boys is on the losing end of the fight, and one is the victor. The boy's parents are brought together by the incident to discuss how to best deal with the situation. Education - The Use of Mobile Phones in Education in Developing Countries. The World Bank is engaged in a variety of activities investigating issues related to the use of mobile phones in education in developing countries. mEducation Alliance The World Bank participates in the mEducation Alliance (formerly m4Ed4Dev), an international collaborative effort between bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs, foundations, private sector partners, academic researchers, and implementing organizations that is working to explore cutting edge intersections between mobiles, education and development and to promote collective knowledge sharing.

Education - The Use of Mobile Phones in Education in Developing Countries

Les scénarios de série? Complètement «téléphonés» Alexander Graham Bell ne savait pas, tout occupé qu'il était à bidouiller des câbles en criant «Venez Watson, j'ai besoin de vous!»

Les scénarios de série? Complètement «téléphonés»

Que son invention allait prendre une place considérable dans le paysage cinématographique et, plus tard, télévisuel. Si le 7e art et le bigophone ont grandi ensemble, la télé, elle, s'est contentée de mettre les pieds sous la table et n'a depuis jamais raccroché le combiné, suivant au fil du temps les évolutions technologiques du biniou (ou du grelot, voire du cornet, c'est selon). Un objet star de ciné (3/7): le téléphone. Le téléphone a révolutionné le XXe siècle en annihilant la notion de distance.

Un objet star de ciné (3/7): le téléphone

Pas étonnant que, le cinématographe, né à la toute fin du XIXe, ait porté son attention sur cet accessoire. Les mises en scène téléphoniques ont ainsi offert des rôles de choix, tant sur le plan dramaturgique que scénaristique en intégrant progressivement ses évolutions technologiques: fil, sans fil puis portable. Sur le fil. Home. Market share for mobile, browsers, operating systems and search engines. Top 8 Mobile OSs in United Kingdom from Jan 2011 to Jan 2012. Smartphone sales and statistics. By Mark Brownlow, October 2012 (first published June 2010) inShare90 Jump to: Smartphone stats Recent sales stats (global): IDC say 153.9 million smartphones sold worldwide in Q2 2012.

Smartphone sales and statistics

Recent sales stats (US and Canada): Nielsen report that 54.9% of US mobile phone owners have a smartphone as of Q2 2012. comScore estimate that smartphone ownership in the US reached 110 million users by May 2012 (3-month average). Recent sales stats (UK and mainland Europe): IDC say 27.4 million smartphones sold in Western Europe in Q2 2012. Sales predictions: The Financial Times cites a JPMorgan prediction that 657 million smartphones will leave stores in 2012.

Smartphone operating systems.