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GT 1 - Energy

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For sure Energy is one of the biggest powers on this word. What would you do nowadays without battery on your phone or laptop, how would you work or study?

But the electricity we use can come from a wide pool of sources, and each one has its pros and cons, but of course they have not all the same impact on our planet. We have the Sun, we have the wind, we have coal and gas, we have other less well known sources as the waves of the sea, the burning of waste and, of course, we have the controversial nuclear energy, with its strong arguments in favour and against it.
Do we realize or even appreciate the power of the energy we use everyday? Can we find a better way of using it? Everything starts with a small step so join us and find out which are the “power vampires”. Then share it with us and let’s do achieve big things for our future!

Nottingham. Description TSB Integrated Smart Meters Srping 2011: This site demonstrates a Moixa Smart DC system installation in the David Wilson Eco-House. The Eco-house is part of a trial site of 7 houses built on a green close within the University of Nottinham, to evaluate and test renewable energy solutions as part of the Department of Architecture & Built Environment. The houses are occupied by university members as full-board or in use as office and workspace facilities. Site details Location: David Wilson House, Green Close, Nottingham. European Union - Sustainable Energy Week. Discussions about Energy and Our Future.

Events. Sustainable Energy for All - Rio+20 The Future We Want. Rio 20+ arround the world.