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DIY Aquaponics - Aquaponics made easy so you can do it yourself - Benefical Bacteria for the Growbed. Bacteria play an important role the health and well being of your aquaponics system by removing the ammonia from the water.

DIY Aquaponics - Aquaponics made easy so you can do it yourself - Benefical Bacteria for the Growbed

This is not a special or magical thing unique to aquaponics, filters in home aquariums as an example use the same families of bacteria to perform the necessary task of removing the ammonia in a very similar fashion. The Nitrogen Cycle When our fish excrete waste (we'll call it poo or poop from now on because we're all friends here) the fish poo contains a very high percentage of ammonia.

Ammonia in concentrations higher than five parts per million in your tank water is harmfull to fish and in concentrations not much higher than that very toxic and would result in a rapid painfull death. This is not to say that five parts per million is acceptable either, long term exposure would result in your fish dying slowly and painfully instead and they would be more susceptable to disease and illness as well. Building an ibc aquaponic system.

How to Build a Natural Swimming Pool. Learn how to build a natural swimming pool in order to create a cooling summer retreat for your homestead.

How to Build a Natural Swimming Pool

Whether you like to practice your dolphin dives or lounge away the day on a raft, swimming is one of summer's perfect pleasures. With a minimum of materials and without an arsenal of chemicals, you can build an idyllic water oasis right in your own back yard and thwart summertime's sultry dog days. Though fairly common in Europe, natural swimming pools (like the one pictured above in an Austrian family's backyard), are in their infancy in the United States. Ask most American swimming-pool contractors to build a backyard pool and chances are they'll roll out a long list of goods, including rebar, gunite, fiberglass, chlorine and an energy-sapping filtration system. How to Build A Water Garden or Fish Pond.