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Universe simulation. Learn About Living & Working in Space with two NASA Astronauts. Why With Nye! Free Interactive e-Books from NASA Reveal History, Discoveries of the Hubble & Webb Telescopes. Earlier this month NASA announced that the Hubble Space Telescope found evidence of a planet forming 7.5 billion miles from its star. This astonishing discovery challenges all of our current theories about how planets develop. A few days later, Hubble captured images of two galaxies merging. Hubble has been in orbit since 1990, collecting images with one of the largest and most versatile telescopes designed for deep space. No single tool has done as much to advance astronomical public relations in recent years. Hubble’s development, launch and discoveries are the subject of a new, free interactive e-book (best viewed on the iPad) that brings to life Hubble’s distinguished service as our eye on the universe. For almost as long as Hubble has been in space, NASA has been working on the next generation space telescope.

The e-books are written at a high school level and can be viewed on an iPad using a free iBooks app. You will find these books in our Free eBooks and K-12 collections. 10 NASA Inventions You Might Use Every Day. In 1958, President Eise­n­hower signed the Space Act, officially creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. From the beginning, the purpose for the ne­w branch extended beyond space ships and moon boots. The law stipulated that its research and advancements should benefit all people, and in its 50-year history, NASA has certainly fulfilled that role.

Although most people today will never set foot on the moon, everyone likely comes in contact with a NASA by-product every day. Partnering with various research teams and companies, NASA continues to spawn a vast array of new technologies and products that have improved our daily lives. Basic steps in health, safety, communications and even casual entertainment find their ro­ots in the government branch commonly associated with rocket ships and floating people. In fact, NASA has filed more than 6,300 patents with the U.S. government [source: NASA Scientific and Technical Information]. 10.

Even celebs have teeth problems. 9. Technologies Benefit Our Lives. Three Ways Students Can Explore Space From Their Desktops. Journey through space. Welcome to Cool Cosmos! Kids' Club. Skip to main content NASA Kids Club › Text Only Site Let's Go to Mars! Plan. Make a Galactic Mobile Decorate Your Space! Watch 'Ready Jet Go! ' Ready Jet Go! Orion Puzzles and Coloring Sheets Print and Play. For Parents and Teachers Teach your kids and students safe surfing habits.›

Children's Protection Act Learn about what you can do to protect your privacy online.› The Telescope. Basics of Space Flight. The people of Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory create, manage, and operate NASA projects of exploration throughout our solar system and beyond. Basics of Space Flight is a tutorial designed primarily to help operations people identify the range of concepts associated with deep space missions, and grasp the relationships among them.

It also enjoys popularity with college and high-school students and faculty, and people everywhere who are interested in interplanetary space flight. This website attempts to offer a broad scope, but limited depth, as a robust framework to accommodate further training or investigation. Many other resources are available for delving into each of the topics related here; indeed, any one of them can involve a lifelong career of specialization. This module's purpose is met if the participant learns the scope of concepts that apply to interplanetary space exploration, and how the relationships among all of them work. Interplanetary exploration begins . . . Telescopes from the Ground Up. Hands-On Activities. The 25 hands-on activities will form the core of the SpaceDay educational event. Each activity has been selected based on its science/educational value and its relevance to the Lunar Prospector Mission.

Each activity is accompanied by science rationale and instructions for teachers and students. 1. Lunar Prospector Model [student page] [teacher's page] Learn the parts of a simple spacecraft. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.Teaching with Stories and Symbols [student page] [teacher's page] Learn about Sun symbols from different cultures and validate the relevance of astronomy and science to basic culture. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.