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Hotel Finder. Google Advanced Search Shortcuts. Search Help. Inside Search. History of Search Engines - Chronological List of Internet Search Engines (INFOGRAPHIC) Below is a visual history of "search" and search engines; hopefully it's both a trip down memory lane and a useful resource for anyone looking to learn a bit more about the history of Internet search engines.

If you like the graphic or find it useful you're welcome to embed the image on your own site, link to it, or give it a Digg/Stumble/Etc. Without further fanfare, we present to you WordStream's search engine history timeline. The History of Search Engines Modern search engines are pretty incredible – complex algorithms enable search engines to take your search query and return results that are usually quite accurate, presenting you with valuable information nuggets amidst a vast information data mine. Search engines have come a long way since their early prototypes, as our Internet Search Engines History infographic illustrates.

How Do Search Engines Work? First of all, let's ask what is a search engine? Web search engines catalog the world wide web by using a spider, or web crawler. How Does Google Search Work? Google Explains. When you want to know more about a certain something – anything, really – you Google it almost automatically. To effectively explain why Google is the Internet juggernaut that it is today, the company came out with “How Search Works,” an animated website that takes you through the process of the search engine. This particular effort to educate Internet users about their services follows a few other initiatives with the same purpose, like the Inside Search website released in 2011 and the More Than A Map website released just last year specifically for Google Maps. The cleverly designed scrolling graphic breaks Google Search down into three separate parts: Crawling and indexing, algorithms, and fighting spam. When someone types a query into the search bar, Google crawls its way through 30 trillion individual pages available on the World Wide Web (a number that’s constantly on the rise).

Still can’t quite picture it? Estadísticas de búsqueda de Google. The Big Google Search Tools Collection. Hotel Finder. Búsqueda personalizada de Google - Site Search y más. Advanced Product Search. Imágenes de Google. Similar Images graduates from Google Labs.

Today, we're happy to announce that Similar Images is graduating from Google Labs and becoming a permanent feature in Google Images. You can try it out by clicking on "Find similar images" below the most popular images in our search results. For example, if you search for jaguar, you can use the "Find similar images" link to find more pictures of the car or the animal. When we revamped Labs in April, we also launched Similar Images to highlight some of the innovative work our engineers have been working on.

Google Labs gives us a way to get some of our new ideas in front of you early in the process, refine them based on your feedback and see what sticks. Your support has helped to make Similar Images the first major feature to graduate from Google Labs since its recent overhaul. So, let's say you want to find images of Ancient Egypt. Google Images will provide you with a rich variety of results, including pyramids, maps, relics, drawings and other types of images.