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September 2o15

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Amazing New El Nino Animation Reveals Shocking New Details. One Scientist’s Hopeful View On How to Repair the Planet by Diane Toomey: Yale Environment 360. 23 Sep 2015: Interview by diane toomey For a researcher who studies how humanity is pushing the earth close to potentially disastrous tipping points, Johan Rockström is surprisingly optimistic.

One Scientist’s Hopeful View On How to Repair the Planet by Diane Toomey: Yale Environment 360

Will the Paris Climate Talks Be Too Little and Too Late? by Fred Pearce: Yale Environment 360. 14 Sep 2015: Analysis by fred pearce It’s Paris or bust.

Will the Paris Climate Talks Be Too Little and Too Late? by Fred Pearce: Yale Environment 360

Climate diplomats are preparing for a United Nations climate conference in the French capital in December that scientists say is probably the last realistic chance for the world to prevent global warming going beyond 2 degrees Celsius. Some kind of a deal will probably be done. But will it be one more diplomatic fudge or a real triumph for the climate? Combustion of available fossil fuel resources sufficient to eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Une tache dans l’Atlantique inquiète. Inhospitable Planet. There may be water on Mars.

Inhospitable Planet

But is there intelligent life on Earth? By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 30th September 2015 Evidence for flowing water on Mars – this opens up the possibility of life; of wonders we cannot begin to imagine. Its discovery is an astonishing achievement. Voyage traces stirred-up Arctic heat. Image copyright Thomas Moore Oceanographers have gathered fresh evidence that turbulence in the Arctic Ocean, driven by the wind, is stirring up heat from the depths.

Voyage traces stirred-up Arctic heat

As dwindling ice exposes more water to the wind, this turbulence could close a vicious circle, accelerating the melt. The research team has measured heat rising from below that matches what is arriving from the autumn sun. They spoke to the BBC by satellite phone as their month-long voyage headed back into port. Although their findings are preliminary, the "ArcticMix" team has been taken aback by what they've seen in the raw data.

China is about to launch the world’s biggest cap-and-trade program. This story was originally published by Mother Jones and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

China is about to launch the world’s biggest cap-and-trade program

On Friday, Chinese President Xi Jinping will announce that China will start the world’s largest carbon-trading system by 2017, according to a statement released Thursday night by the White House. The announcement allows China to implement something that evaded President Barack Obama during his first term in the White House: an economy-wide reform putting a price on carbon dioxide emissions and encouraging big polluters to develop alternative ways to generate energy.

Ultimately, the program is intended to curb the planet-warming emissions that are generated by burning fossil fuels. Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago. At a meeting in Exxon Corporation's headquarters, a senior company scientist named James F.

Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago

Black addressed an audience of powerful oilmen. Speaking without a text as he flipped through detailed slides, Black delivered a sobering message: carbon dioxide from the world's use of fossil fuels would warm the planet and could eventually endanger humanity. "In the first place, there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels," Black told Exxon's Management Committee, according to a written version he recorded later. It was July 1977 when Exxon's leaders received this blunt assessment, well before most of the world had heard of the looming climate crisis. Journaldelenvironnement. En Californie, « les feux échappent à tout contrôle » Aligning Policies for a Low-carbon Economy. Selon l’OCDE, les Etats dépensent trop de milliards en faveur des énergies fossiles. 5 Animals that are at Risk of Extinction Because of Climate Change that Aren't Polar Bears.

This article was originally published in September, 2015.

5 Animals that are at Risk of Extinction Because of Climate Change that Aren't Polar Bears

We’ve all seen the picture of the emaciated polar bear. It’s a painful image to look at. But while the polar bear is the poster child for the most harmful effects of climate change, there are many more animals the world may have to do without if we can’t get our carbon dioxide levels under control. North Atlantic Right Whale The North Atlantic Right Whale is one of the most endangered animals on the planet, with only between 300-350 individuals left. Consommer toutes les énergies fossiles de la planète ferait disparaitre l'Antarctique. Très profitables et impunis, les crimes environnementaux se multiplient. Aucun ralentissement dans le réchauffement climatique depuis 1998. Kick Big Polluters out of Climate Policy. Sign the petition to the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: "We call on you to take immediate action to protect COP21 and all future negotiations from the influence of big polluters.

Kick Big Polluters out of Climate Policy

Given the fossil fuel industry’s years of interference intended to block progress, push false solutions, and continue the disastrous status quo, the time has come to stop treating big polluters as legitimate “stakeholders” and to remove them from climate policymaking. " Today, we are facing the prospect of the destruction of life as we know it and irreversible damage to our planet due to climate change. Scientists are telling us with ever more urgency that we must act quickly to stop extracting fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Rapport Planète Vivante Océans 2015 : le déclin des océans met en péril la sécurité alimentaire de l’humanité. State of the climate in 2014. The key parameters which indicate the Earth's changing climate, including land and ocean temperature, sea level and greenhouse gases, have set new records in the year 2014, according to "State of the climate in 2014" - Special Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society released this month.

State of the climate in 2014

These essential climate variables, carefully monitored and recorded each year, have continued to follow the long-term rising trends throughout the year. Four independent surface temperature observational analyses have reached a conclusion that the year 2014 was the warmest year on record. Top 5 des sponsors les plus foutage de gueule de la COP 21. La population marine a été réduite de moitié en 40 ans - - Sciences-Tech. Pourquoi « le sujet le plus important du monde » ne fait presque jamais la une des newsmagazines français.

Dernière alerte, 40 ans après "Les limites de la croissance" - Rapport Meadows du Club de Rome. Big Changes Underway in the Climate System? September 2015 - The Earth's global average surface climate is primarily determined by the exchange of energy between the atmosphere, the oceans and space.

Big Changes Underway in the Climate System?

However, changes in regional climate are often governed by changes in the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean. These form coherent patterns like the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) fluctuations in tropical East Pacific sea surface temperature and sea level pressure, or the North Atlantic Oscillation variations in the strength of the westerlies over the North Atlantic. A fluctuation in any one of these can temporarily exacerbate or counter the effects of global climate change in affected regions.

Some of these patterns of climate variability fluctuate over years and decades and can even affect global average surface temperature, as appears to have occurred in recent years with changes in the Pacific implicated in the slowdown in the rate of global surface warming. How Climate Change Could Cause the Next Big Refugee Crisis. The current refugee crisis has not emerged solely because of the problems caused by climate change, but environmental and humanitarian groups are warning that the next major crisis could be, and that we need to start preparing now.

The threat of war, general civil unrest, and religiously motivated violence have been among the key driving forces that have led to hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing Syria and surrounding regions and entering Europe with the hope of finding safety. As Europe struggles to cooperate and come up with a reasonable and fair way to share its duty of care to refugees, prominent global voices are warning that while this crisis may not be solely down to climate change, future refugee crises will be.

It is worth mentioning though that some scientists say that the current crisis in Syria may have been exacerbated by climate change. Les négociations sur le climat s’enfoncent dans le brouillard. Surging Seas: Sea level rise analysis by Climate Central. Watch NASA Explain Why We Should All Be Worried About Greenland's Melting Ice Sheet. NASA scientists are worried about Greenland. Its ice sheet is three times the size of Texas and a mile deep on average.

The only place with more of the world’s ice is Antarctica. But Greenland is warming twice as fast as Antarctica, NASA says. This rapid melting is raising global sea levels at an alarming rate—even faster than expected. Emergency Flood and Landslide Warnings in Japan; Levee Breach Destroys Homes, Forces Dramatic Rescues. Residents Rescued from Japan Storm Tropical storm Etau continues to wreak havoc on Japan as seen in this video when officials rescue stranded residents from their flooded residents. Heavy rain continues to threaten areas of Japan on Thursday. Dramatic helicopter rescues unfolded on live television in Japan Thursday as a flood-swollen river breached a levee, sending raging floodwaters into a neighborhood north of Tokyo and leaving dozens of residents trapped on the roofs or upper floors of their homes. At least eight people are missing due to flooding and landslides caused by extreme rainfall resulting from former Tropical Storm Etau, according to local government officials.

Japon : des milliers de personnes évacuées en raison de pluies torrentielles. Spain - 1 Killed in Flash Floods as Torrential Rain Hits South - FloodList. Le Liban au cœur d'une tempête de sable historique. Ces sauveteurs du climat qui commencent à inquiéter l’industrie pétrolière. Il y a plus de 3000 milliards d'arbres dans le monde.

Dépêches : euronews : les infos internationales en video. Dépêches : euronews : les infos internationales en video.