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The Department of Homeland Security says it is illegal to freely play music in The United States. - Eight Entertainment Group. Connecting government — The Connected Company. “We serve the people… If, in the interests of the people, we persist in doing what is right and correct what is wrong, our ranks will surely thrive. ~ Mao Zedong Government is a service.

What is a service? A service is a kind of a process. But services are unique kinds of processes because they require the customer’s participation. Because they depend on customers to function, they cannot be managed in the same way as industrial processes that can be isolated and controlled. Example: Customers do not walk onto a factory floor, but in a retail store, that’s exactly what they do. Example: I recently moved, and had to call my bank to change my address. The first person I spoke with could change the address for my business account. Compare this with a financial services company called Vanguard, who handles customer service completely differently. Developed economies are dominated by services. The global economy is increasingly dominated by services. Expectations for service quality are rising. Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim.

Society's Breakthrough! How to Turn Republicans and Democrats Into Americans - Magazine. Topos Graphics Angry and frustrated, American voters went to the polls in November 2010 to “take back” their country. Just as they had done in 2008. And 2006. And repeatedly for decades, whether it was Republicans or Democrats from whom they were taking the country back. No matter who was put in charge, things didn’t get better. They won’t this time, either; spending levels may go down, taxes may go up, budgets will change, but American government will go on the way it has, not as a collective enterprise but as a battle between warring tribes. If we are truly a democracy—if voters get to size up candidates for a public office and choose the one they want—why don’t the elections seem to change anything? This is not an accident.

Many Americans assume that’s just how democracy works, that this is how it’s always been, that it’s the system the Founders created. Break the power of partisans to keep candidates off the general-election ballot. Office of Naval Research Home Page. As Navy leaders gather this week at the 2014 Sea-Air-Space Expo in National Harbor, Md., engineers are making final adjustments to a laser weapon prototype that will be the first of its kind to deploy aboard a ship late this summer, fulfilling plans announced by the chief of naval operations a year ago at the expo.

The prototype, an improved version of the Laser Weapon System (LaWS), will be installed on USS Ponce for at-sea testing in the Persian Gulf. At about $1 per shot, the laser offers Sailors an affordable and revolutionary way to counter a variety of threats, from unmanned aircraft to small attack boats. Navy League Sea Air Space (Details) Gaylord National Convention Center, National Harbor, Md. April 7-9, 2014 15th Annual Science and Engineering Technology Conference (Details) College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center College Park, Md. April 8-10, 2014 Navy Week Dallas/Fort Worth (Details) April 21-27, 2014 At far left, Chief of Naval Research Rear Adm. ORTA Representatives. To derive maximum return on our country’s technological investments, Congress has passed legislation to encourage the transfer of federally funded technology to the private sector. Department of Navy (DoN) technology transfer representatives identify and assess potential technologies and ideas from their own laboratories that may be transferred to state and local governments, industry, or universities.

These representatives also assist in domestic technology transfer efforts. An important mechanism to facilitate technology transfer is the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). A CRADA between a Naval laboratory and private sector enables the commercialization of DoN-developed technology to the benefit of both parties. California Fleet Readiness Center Southwest Christopher B. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Dr. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Pt. Naval Health Research Center 140 Sylvester Road San Diego, CA 92106-3521 POC: Dr. Connecticut U.S. The Official Web Site of the United States Navy. Naval Facilities Engineering Command. NAVFAC logo. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) is the United States Navy's engineering command, committed to the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps combat readiness. NAVFAC is headquartered at the Washington Navy Yard and under the command of the Chief of Civil Engineers, and as of November 2012[update], is commanded by RADM Kate Gregory.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command is the oldest of the Navy’s System Commands, having been established as the Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks in August 1842. Its officers comprise the Navy the Civil Engineer Corps, which came into being in March 1867. During the 1966 reorganization of the Department of Navy, the Bureau of Yards and Docks became the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). NAVFAC has 14 component commands, with 10 commands either reporting to NAVFAC Atlantic or NAVFAC Pacific. The Bureau of Yards & Docks[edit] History[edit] Between WWI & WWII[edit] WWII Boom[edit] Vietnam[edit] Post Cold War[edit]