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When Four Square and sex meet: Foursquare checks out of Google Maps. Foursquare has turned its back on Google Maps and will use OpenStreetMap going forward, although the company insists that this is because the open-source maps are a 'better fit'.

Foursquare checks out of Google Maps

In a blog post, foursquare announces that it has made the change, moving away from the Google Maps API that it has used for so long. "Starting today, we're embracing the OpenStreetMap movement, so all the maps you see when you go to will look a tiny bit different (we think the new ones are really pretty). Other than slightly different colors and buttons, though, foursquare is still the same site you know and love," explained the blog.

Competitor Foursquare, which has been under pressure from both Facebook's Places and, of course, Google Latitude, admits that costs started the look for a new map API, but insists that it is no compromising on quality. "When we initially began looking around for other map providers, we found some incredibly strong alternatives," added the blog. Foursquare needs a community. Yesterday I went to the weekly Tweetea gathering in Detroit, and had a rousing good time.

Foursquare needs a community

Most of the time, the suggested discussion topic is loosely adhered to, and the conversation flows along fluid lines—and yesterday was no exception. The topic was media and community management, both subjects near and dear to my heart. We started off talking about local news anchor Stephen Clark’s “#backchannel” and if the media (in this case, a news anchor) can successfully manage a community. That led to discussions about Yelp and Foursquare, and that’s when it clicked for me: Foursquare has no community. I’ve been a Foursquare user for nearly a year. Recently, I jumped full-bore into the competing Yelp check-in application. 4sqwifi, une app iPhone pour squatter le Wi-Fi d'à côté. Une télé réalité avec Foursquare? « MikePointZero. Ambient Social Location Apps Will be Consumer Duds. I am calling shenanigans on this year's SXSW fad.

Ambient Social Location Apps Will be Consumer Duds

The microclimate that is SXSW and San Francisco often creates hype for services that, ultimately, no one is going to really care about. Foursquare and Twitter did well at SXSW in their growth phases but those companies may prove to be the exception instead of the rule. The crop this year includes several "ambient social location' apps that are likely destined for obscurity when the time comes that normal users are supposed to adopt.

If you have been following the hype circles, we are talking about apps like Highlight, Glancee, Banjo and Sonar. These apps show users people that are around them using the apps and what their interests are. The Leaders Highlight and Glancee are the two apps most likely to make a splash at SXSW. Highlight apparently has been getting the most hype in the Silicon Valley crowd. Glancee works in much the same way. Sonar uses Foursquare to show you people nearby. Outside of Echo Radius Nothing. Is Foursquare a Waste of Time? - Plus Infographic. Social media networks sometimes seem a bit schizophrenic.

Is Foursquare a Waste of Time? - Plus Infographic

They are both a place to play and socialize and increasingly they are also where you can market your business. Facebook was never meant to be a social network to create a brand page and collect tens millions of fans that is now common place with the global brands such as Coca Cola. Twitter started off as a private messaging technology that was not designed to be a social network. Some social networks such as LinkedIn were purpose built from day one to provide a networking portal for business people.

Games have a significant presence on social networks and are a significant revenue driver. 10 exemples de marketing sur Foursquare. Tags: campagnes, communautés, Foursquare, marques, réseaux sociaux, webmarketing[ × ] Web et marketing ne feraient-ils plus qu’un ?

10 exemples de marketing sur Foursquare

Il faut le croire, à en juger au nombre impressionnant de campagnes qui utilisent aujourd’hui Internet plutôt que les classiques 4×3 ou encarts publicitaires dans la presse. Les supports traditionnels n’ont cependant certainement pas dit leur dernier mot grâce au web qui, contrairement aux apparences, pourrait bien devenir leur meilleur allié. Plus d’originalité et plus d’interactivité, voilà la recette ! Les entreprises qui se convertissent peu à peu au community management l’ont bien compris : pour toucher le client, il faut désormais interagir avec lui. Grâce à la démocratisation du smartphone, la grande tendance pour 2011 semble être à la géolocalisation qui, bien utilisée, peut se révéler un excellent moyen de faire découvrir ses produits, de créer le « buzz », de générer du trafic vers ses points de vente et donc d’accroître son chiffre d’affaire. Foursquare se détourne de Google Maps. L'année dernière, Google a fixé des limites à la gratuité de l'API de Google Maps.

Foursquare se détourne de Google Maps

Un site tiers ou une application doit ainsi débourser 4 dollars pour 1 000 chargements supplémentaires quand le nombre de chargements par jour via l'API dépasse 25 000. Une mesure qui avait été annoncée applicable pour 0,35 % des sites ayant recours à l'API, mais qui a en tout cas donner matière à réflexion pour Foursquare. Le service de géolocalisation a indiqué l'abandon de Google Maps sur au profit des cartes du projet open source OpenStreetMap : " c'est comme Wikipédia pour la géographie.

Nous aimons l'idée de données ouvertes ". Si l'on en croit Foursquare, ce n'est pas tant la question du prix qui aurait pesé dans la balance. Foursquare lance les Pages Entreprises / Marques.