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Géneration Y & Entrepreneuriat

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La génération Y, c’est quoi ? La génération Y. L'intégration de la génération Y en entreprise aujourd'hui : enjeux, opportunités, obstacles. Article publié le 24/11/2009.

L'intégration de la génération Y en entreprise aujourd'hui : enjeux, opportunités, obstacles

HR Today - Artikel Detail - Intelligente et ouverte sur le monde la génération Y fuit la longue durée. Social Change Leadership Network: Multigenerational Leadership. Generation Y: The New Kind of Workforce. Fifty percent of world population is under 30 years old.

Generation Y: The New Kind of Workforce

Generation Y Entrepreneurs. DD bloc: Partagez-vous les aspirations de la Génération Y? INFOGRAPHIC: Generation Y, Employment And Facebook. Young people are using Facebook for personal over professional reasons, yet they are friending their coworkers.

INFOGRAPHIC: Generation Y, Employment And Facebook

A new study by Millennial Branding, of over 50 million Facebook data points from, uncovers that people aged 18 to 29 are inadvertently using their profiles as an extension of their professional personality, even though they are socializing with family and friends. And 64 percent of so-called generation y fails to list their employer on their profiles, yet they add an average of 16 coworkers each to their friend group. “Gen y needs to be aware that what they publish online can come back to haunt them in the workplace.

Classement des générations. Encore d’actualité ? Why Gen Y Is Going to Change the Web. Gen Y is taking over.

Why Gen Y Is Going to Change the Web

The generation of young adults that's composed of the children of Boomers, Generation Jones, and even some Gen X'ers, is the biggest generation since the Baby Boomers and three times the size of Gen X. As the Boomers fade into retirement and Gen Y takes root in the workplace, we're going to see some big changes ahead, not just at work, but on the web as a whole. There's some contention over where exactly Gen Y starts and stops - some say those born 1983-1997, others think 1982-1997.

In this week's Entertainment Weekly, Gen Y is defined as "current 13 to 31 year-olds" and BusinessWeek says they can be as young as five. Regardless, we know who they are - they're the young kids of today, the most digitally active generation yet, having been born plugged in. "Generation Y and work in the tourism and hospitality industry: problem" by Grant Cairncross and Jeremy Buultjens. Publication details Cairncross, G & Buultjens, J 2007, 'Generation Y and work in the tourism and hospitality industry: problem?

"Generation Y and work in the tourism and hospitality industry: problem" by Grant Cairncross and Jeremy Buultjens

What problem? ', Centre for Enterprise Development and Research Occasional Paper, no. 9, Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, NSW. Mind the gap: mapping and managing conflict in the multi-generational workforce. Principal researcher for InterGen at the Work Foundation, Dr Wilson Wong, looks at whether the evidence that each working-age generation is subject to factors that have shaped its identity is inconclusive and whether the construct of 'generations' adequately addresses such complexities as chronological age, life- or work-stage and context and methodological constraints.

Mind the gap: mapping and managing conflict in the multi-generational workforce

He also explores how the generational theory is assumed to be true and those perceived differences makes for cross-generational conflict within organisations. He goes on to conclude that further research should focus on the contours of fairness; the principles underpinning a healthy negotiation of what is fair between generations. The Times, a respectable broadsheet, claims that '...Baby Boomers and members of Generation X (are) like dogs – treat them right and they will be loyal. The Entrepreneurial Generation? Les réseaux, la force de la génération Y. Questionable Ethics And The Next Generation Of Entrepreneurs. Posted by Tom Foremski - April 19, 2011 The film "The Social Network" has helped to make startups popular among young people the world over.

Questionable Ethics And The Next Generation Of Entrepreneurs

It's just one factor inspiring new generations of entrepreneurs hoping to succeed through innovation and hard work. But are they learning ethical ways of doing business? The more we find out about Mark Zuckerberg and his behavior during the early days of Facebook, the more he reveals a cavalier attitude to ethics. And other founders of successful startups also have shown questionable ethics.

From business to fun: What different generations do online. By Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY Teens and young adults seem to live online, but a new report by the Pew Research Center finds that other generations are catching up: Generation X primarily uses the Internet for shopping and banking; Baby Boomers for travel reservations; and the 70-plus crowd for e-mail.

From business to fun: What different generations do online

The analysis released Wednesday, called "Generations Online in 2009," is based on 11 separate telephone surveys conducted between 2004 and 2008, with varied questions about Web activities, ranging from blogging to participating in an online auction to job research. The margin of error for the studies ranges from plus or minus 3 percentage points (for findings on adults) to plus or minus 4 percentage points (for findings on teens.) "Generation Y is the most likely to be engaged in all the various activities — communication, entertainment, e-commerce and entertainment-seeking," says Susannah Fox, the report's co-author and associate director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Conférence gratuite sur la génération Y : le portrait robot des digital natives. Les petits déjeuners du Web d’Orange Business Services, nos lecteurs connaissent bien désormais.

conférence gratuite sur la génération Y : le portrait robot des digital natives

Je les ai créés il y a maintenant 2 ans dans un but d’ouverture et de partage, puis, en début de cette année 2010, je les ai également ouverts à l’extérieur de l’entreprise afin de rendre ce partage encore plus enrichissant. Le prochain petit déjeuner, le 5ème du genre, est intitulé Digital Natives : mythes ou réalité. Initialement prévue le 22 octobre, et annulée pour cause de grèves, cette conférence aura donc bien lieu le 18 janvier 2011 DE 8H300 10H30 à Orange Stadium (en face du RER B, La Plaine Stade de France).

La génération Y n'existe pas. Publié le 02/12/2010 Attention, cet article a été publié le 02/12/2010.

La génération Y n'existe pas

Generation Y 2.0 - Le premier blog sur la génération Y et le Management 2.0 - Benjamin Chaminade. Génération Y : Invention ou realité? French schools creating next generation web entrepreneurs. Two new Internet skills schools are starting up in Paris in the autumn. Their founders have said people need to be trained from school to work in web enterprises ranging from e-commerce to social networking, and that they will help create a shared European Web culture. Three of France's most successful Web entrepreneurs are founding the European Internet School, the Ecole Europeenne des Metiers de l'Internet (EEMI). Xavier Niel, who started telecoms company Iliad, Marc Simoncini the founder of dating website Meetic and Jacques Antoine Granjon who runs e-commerce company Vente-Privee, have already had nearly 100 applications for the first class of students who'll be arriving for the three-year course in the autumn.

They'll be learning design, graphics, Web-marketing, IT and business skills. The schools want to test practical skills rather than academic theories. Being an entrepreneur – MaRS: Building Canada's next generation of growth companies. The word “entrepreneur” is used quite a lot when discussing new technology ideas and startup businesses. But what, really, is an entrepreneur? And how do you tell if you have the characteristics to become one yourself? Many people dream about being their own boss or having their own company but may not have the personality or skills to make it work. Génération X. Chaque génération s’est nourri de ce qui s’est passé dans le monde, dans son quotidien. Génération X, génération Y - les nouvelles du front dans un grand verre de vinaigre.

Parmi les tentatives de classification des être humains, il en est une que je reconnais bien sympathique, c’est la classification par génération. Elle va dans le sens de la fracture culturelle, qui peu à peu supplante (ou complète) le concept de fracture sociale et de luttes des classes (sociales). Les baby-boomers, ça, vous connaissez. Generation Next index. 30 Under 30: The Coolest Young Entrepreneurs in America. John Paulson already has lots to worry about: turbulence in the stock market, a rocky economy and volatile gold prices. As the hedge-fund manager suffers through the worst losses of his career, Mr. Paulson now is facing a flock of vulture investors who hope he will be forced to conduct a fire sale of stock and debt holdings.

Rival hedge funds, brokers and other firms are combing through Paulson & Co.'s investments, trying to anticipate what Mr. Paulson might sell if he needs to return cash to investors. According to traders, some firms have been selling investments they have in common with Mr. Meanwhile, other firms are approaching Mr. Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 for 2007.

Entrepreneurs-under-14: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance. Not your grandfather's entrepreneur. With the Internet bringing information to our fingertips anywhere at anytime, standing on the shoulders of giants has never been so easy. Instead of dusty libraries and ad hoc basement workshops, sites like Entrepreneur Connect, StartupNation and PartnerUp allow innovators to share information and collaborate on projects like never before. While creative types of all ages use these services, sites like Young Entrepreneur exist specifically for the younger generation of business owners looking to make it on their own. The result? Kid millionaires. Nature vs. Those who are uncomfortable with the idea of kids making a ton of money may be quick to dismiss the young entrepreneurs, arguing that it's just another example of parents living their dreams through their children.

Social Entrepreneurs 2011: How a Business Can Change the World. Start a company. Change the world. It used to be that if you wanted to make a difference, you joined a nonprofit. And if you wanted to make money, you launched a business. These days, it's not so simple. The questionable ethics of founders and the next generation of startups. The film "The Social Network" has helped to make startups popular among young people the world over. It's just one factor inspiring new generations of entrepreneurs hoping to succeed through innovation and hard work. But are they learning ethical ways of doing business? The more we find out about Mark Zuckerberg and his behavior during the early days of Facebook, the more he reveals his cavalier use of ethics. And other founders of successful startups also have shown questionable ethics. Take Mark Pincus, the CEO of Zynga, the social gaming company behind Farmville.

Scamville: The Social Gaming Ecosystem Of Hell ...The real story isn’t the business success of these startups. Definition. Génération Y : comment s'en sortir ? GenY et management. Dossier sur la génération Y (YOU) Formation Conseil. Gen Y makes a mark and their imprint is entrepreneurship. By Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY They've got the smarts and the confidence to get a job, but increasing numbers of the millennial generation — those in their mid-20s and younger — are deciding corporate America just doesn't fit their needs.

So armed with a hefty dose of optimism, moxie and self-esteem, they are becoming entrepreneurs. "People are realizing they don't have to go to work in suits and ties and don't have to talk about budgets every day," says Ben Kaufman, 20, founder of a company that makes iPod accessories. "They can have a job they like. They can create a job for themselves. " Gen Y Entrepreneurs: More Likely to Succeed in Recession. Generation Y business owners between the ages of 18- to 28-years old are more geared for growth in the recession than either Gen X (29-44) or Baby Boomers (45-63), found a new study. Despite the economic gloom, these entrepreneurs are building wildly successful ventures as featured in Inc's 2009 30 Under 30 package. The American Express (AMEX) OPEN Small Business Monitor, a semi-annual survey of small business owners and their companies, found that 80-percent of entrepreneurs from age 18-28 have a more positive outlook on business prospects in the recovering economy.

Alice Bredin, small business advisor to the Monitor, said this data was interesting, because in a tough economy, it is typically older generations that feel more optimistic. Les moins de 30 ans n’ont pas peur de l’entrepreneuriat. Voici un article publié dans « the Gibs review » (Gordon Institute of Business Science) qui illustre mes propos selon lesquels il y a de plus en plus de jeunes tentés par la création d’entreprise à travers le monde.

Un jeune sur deux souhaite créer son entreprise. Ask an Expert: Gen Y ready to get into the game. Génération Y : les études 2009. Generation Y's goal? Wealth and fame. Little is the new big: Top trends of small business. Ask an Expert: Top 10 trends in small business continued. Ask an Expert: Freelancing is easier than ever because of technology, attitudes.