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Book summary of ‘Connected’ by Nicolas Christakis & James Fowler | Ignition Blog. Connected The surprising power of networks and how they shape our lives – How your friends’ friends’ friends affect everything you think, feel and do By Nicolas Christakis & James Fowler (2011) Content = **** Readability = *** Clarity & Structure = *** Summarised by Paul Arnold (Facilitator and Trainer – Connectedness matters. We are subtly (and often unconsciously) influenced by people around us (and our friends’ friends’ friends) – the power of influence extends out by 3 degrees – and whilst the impact weakens, the geometric number of influence points grows. The book explores the power of connections through a number of different perspectives (such as relationships, emotions, politics, economy, health, evolution, the digital world and systems). How connections influence our lives (an over-view) We live in interconnected networks. 4 key rules: 1) We shape our networks and our network shapes us – We become like the people we spend time with.

Emotions are contagious. What Schools Will Look Like In The Year 2020. The Current State Of Technology In K-12 7.46K Views 0 Likes What is the next device most students will soon purchase? How many schools have a digital strategy? Find out in the current state of technology in K-12. How Online Education Has Changed In 10 Years 11.37K Views 0 Likes We all know that education, specifically online education, has come a long way in the last few years. Shifting to 21st Century Thinking » Theory. The theories-or ‘big ideas’-that are behind the shift to 21st century learning are a key feature of this website. All practice is informed by theory–whether or not the practitioner is consciously aware of this. Educational practice is no exception.

Twentieth century ways of doing things in education are informed by a mixture of different theories–theories about learning, knowledge, personhood, justice/equality, and the purpose of schooling. All educational practitioners ‘know’ these theories–at a very deep, but not always conscious level. They have been enculturated in them as part of the process of growing up in society (including going to school), and as part of the process of becoming a teacher, a researcher, or an education policy maker. However, they don’t always know them as theories–often they are thought of as just ‘how things are’. A change in context–such as the shift to 21st century learning–requires a change in people’s view of ‘how things are’. Postmodernism – what is it?

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