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Baz Luhrmann. Baz Luhrmann: «Tout ce qui est dans mon Gatsby le Magnifique est dans le roman» INTERVIEW - Le réalisateur, dont le film est en ouverture à Cannes, confie que le festival a sauvé sa carrière au cinéma.

Baz Luhrmann: «Tout ce qui est dans mon Gatsby le Magnifique est dans le roman»

Luhrmann’s “Gatsby” is like “crayoning Donald Duck into ‘The Last Supper’” THAT’S WHAT NICK SAYS, at the end of the party in Tom Buchanan’s New York apartment.

Luhrmann’s “Gatsby” is like “crayoning Donald Duck into ‘The Last Supper’”

The words are Baz Luhrmann’s, not Fitzgerald’s. In the novel Nick has hated the party, hated Tom’s shameless flaunting of his affair, and the callowness of the assembled friends. The evening has wound up with Tom breaking Myrtle’s nose when she dares to say Daisy’s name, a scene Fitzgerald handles with crisp disdain, with Myrtle’s exact words and then the bloody towels on the floor all duly recorded. In the film, the bloody towels are gone; Tom’s blow to Myrtle is indexed almost in passing. What’s front and center is jazz music overlaid with Jay-Z’s rap soundtrack, exploding with the kaleidoscopic colors of the bacchanalian scene, and, of course, the stunning visual effect of the lit-up apartment windows across the street, their interiors opening up magically one by one and rising out of the façade, with the help of the 3-D technology. Luhrmann’s Tom is not made short work of. T. 1. 2012 Student Prezis on The Great Gatsby - Powered By OnCourse Systems For Education.

The San Diego Polo Club Hits the Town! Style: long elegant lines, beaded and fringed dresses, short hemlines, drop-waist designs, sequins, fringe and fur!

The San Diego Polo Club Hits the Town!

Photos from Google images, Etsy, Pinterest. Enlighten Your Polo Peeps: Like this: Like Loading... 'The Great Gatsby's' Costume and Set Designs. Inside the Gatsby Mansion.

'The Great Gatsby's' Costume and Set Designs

"Gatsby le magnifique": spécialiste de Fitzgerald, je trouve l'adaptation très correcte. "Gatsby le magnifique", réalisé par Baz Luhrmann, est sorti sur les écrans le 15 mai (DR).

"Gatsby le magnifique": spécialiste de Fitzgerald, je trouve l'adaptation très correcte

La sortie de l’intégrale de l’œuvre de Scott Fitzgerald dans La Pléiade en 2012 et l’ouverture du festival de Cannes 2013 avec le film "Gatsby le magnifique" donnent lieu à deux formes d’hommages totalement divergents en apparence. L’écrit avec les textes policés, intimistes de Fitzgerald, dans une nouvelle traduction assortie de notes et de variantes, éclaire le lecteur sur la genèse des romans et la subtilité de l’écrivain.

Gatsby l'authentique. M le magazine du Monde | • Mis à jour le | Par Samuel Blumenfeld C'est de Saint-Raphaël, sur la Côte d'Azur, que Francis Scott Fitzgerald envoie par La Poste, le 27 octobre 1924, le manuscrit de son troisième roman, Gatsby le Magnifique, à son éditeur, Maxwell Perkins, avec le mot suivant : "Je crois que j'ai enfin écrit quelque chose qui m'est tout à fait personnel, mais savoir si ce qui m'est "personnel" est bon reste à déterminer. [...]

Gatsby l'authentique

Quand vous aurez lu ce livre, dites-moi ce que vous pensez du titre. Naturellement, je vais passer des nuits blanches en attendant votre lettre, mais surtout dites-moi toute la vérité, votre première impression du livre et tout ce qui vous dérange. " La réponse de l'éditeur de Fitzgerald met trois semaines à arriver, mais au moins a-t-elle le mérite d'être claire : "Votre roman est superbe. " Un enthousiasme réaffirmé dans une lettre du 20 novembre, deux jours plus tard : "J'estime que vous avez toutes les raisons d'être fier de ce livre. Fr-pub DP GG - 048447.pdf. WATCH: Hollywood's long history of Great Gatsby failures. 'The Great Gatsby' Movie Adaptations. The Great Gatsby: A great adaptation of a great novel (and just shy of a great film) But first, before the glowing review, a little movie history.

The Great Gatsby: A great adaptation of a great novel (and just shy of a great film)

When The Great Gatsby last ventured onto the large screen, in 1974 with a woefully miscast Robert Redford and Mia Farrow squeaking in a voice like loose change, the adaptation laid an Egg as big as East and West combined. In fact, the film was so bad that it immediately raised two possible questions about the Scott Fitzgerald classic: (1) Was it not really a classic after all and didn’t deserve its iconic rep? ; or (2) Was the novel just too intrinsically literary and delicate to survive any transplant from its rightful home on the page?

The Great Gatsby never makes a great movie. Given the track record that film-makers of some distinction have had adapting F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, you may understand my reluctance to see Baz Luhrmann's new version.

The Great Gatsby never makes a great movie

I shall need another two deep readings of the book to armour myself completely against the grievances I expect the movie will do to it. I think Gatsby is the Great American Novel, even though it slipped out of fashion and out of print for decades (like Moby Dick and lots of Faulkner), and even though its author, no matter his achievement, is somehow assuredly not the Great American Novelist. BOOK RIOTGatsby vs. Gatsby: Comparing the 1974 Film and Baz Luhrmann's Adaptation. In the past seven days, I’ve seen two film versions of The Great Gatsby: first I went to see Baz Luhrmann’s cinematic spectacular!

BOOK RIOTGatsby vs. Gatsby: Comparing the 1974 Film and Baz Luhrmann's Adaptation

—I feel like every Luhrmann film title should be prefaced with circus ring leader-esque embellishment—in the theaters (this is a big deal, guys, the last time I went to a movie theater it cost four dollars), and then my mom asked me if I wanted to watch the 1974 version starring Robert Redford and Mia Farrow. The two films are actually fascinating in contrast, and if anything each made me appreciated the other more. First Impressions: I had to watch the 1974 Gatsby in high school. I say had to because the only thing I remember from that experience is being BORED OUT OF MY EVER LOVING MIND. On rewatching it, I can kind of appreciate how Jack Clayton (director) and Francis Ford Coppola (screenplay) were trying to make the book “cinematic” in a 1970s sort of way.

Beginning: Acting: And now for Daisy. F. Scott Fitzgerald a détesté Gatsby le Magnifique au cinéma. The Great Gatsby - Movie Trailer, Photos, Synopsis.