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Dry Ice Bubble. Things in Slow Motion (compilation) - Simple Harmonic (and non-harmonic) Motion § Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations. [S | t | ★★★★] keywords: simple harmonic motion, periodic motion, quantum revival, aliasing What it shows: Fifteen uncoupled simple pendulums of monotonically increasing lengths dance together to produce visual traveling waves, standing waves, beating, and random motion.

- Simple Harmonic (and non-harmonic) Motion § Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations

One might call this kinetic art and the choreography of the dance of the pendulums is stunning! Aliasing and quantum revival can also be shown. How it works: The period of one complete cycle of the dance is 60 seconds. The length of the longest pendulum has been adjusted so that it executes 51 oscillations in this 60 second period. Setting it up: The pendulum waves are best viewed from above or down the length of the apparatus. Comments: Our apparatus was built from a design published by Richard Berg 1 at the University of Maryland. James Flaten and Kevin Parendo2 have mathematically modeled the collective motions of the pendula with a continuous function. The scariest video you have ever watched in the name of science. Quadrocopter Ball Juggling, ETH Zurich.

WATCH: Swarm of Autonomous Robots Flies Complicated Formations. Forget the Blue Angels — these nano quadrotors from the University of Pennsylvania’s GRASP Laboratory can fly in some pretty stunning formations.

WATCH: Swarm of Autonomous Robots Flies Complicated Formations

You might remember these robots from other YouTube videos where they’ve autonomously built structures and shown incredible dexterity by doing flips and darting through tiny windows. Now, they’ve formed a swarm that can fly complicated patterns in three dimensions, avoid obstacles in its path and coordinate to fly a figure-eight. (MORE: 7 Real, Functional Robots You Can Buy Right Now) If you find the idea of a buzzing swarm of autonomous robots that look like escapees from Space Invaders disconcerting, too bad, because robot swarms are gaining in popularity among researchers. Some, like the Kilobots from Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, are used to study collective algorithms. What’s stunning about GRASP Laboratory’s project is just how dexterous the swarm is.

Robotik: Quadrocopter bauen einen Turm. Quader für Quader wächst im Fonds Regional d'Art Contemporain Centre (Frac Centre) in Orléans ein Turm.

Robotik: Quadrocopter bauen einen Turm

Gebaut wird er von vier fliegenden Robotern. Der Turm soll aus 1.500 Blöcken bestehen und am Ende 6 Meter hoch sein. Khepera: Schwarmroboter formen Landeplattform für Flugroboter. Khepera sind kleine Schwarmroboter, die an der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule im schweizerischen Lausanne (EPFL) entwickelt wurden.

Khepera: Schwarmroboter formen Landeplattform für Flugroboter

Ted McDonald und seine Kollegen vom Georgia Robotics and Intelligent Systems Lab (Grits) haben den Schwarmrobotern beigebracht, verschiedene Aufgaben zu erfüllen, zum Beispiel, sich zu einer Landeplattform für einen Flugroboter zu formieren. Zunächst mussten die Roboter ein wenig modifiziert werden: Vier der kleinen runden Roboter erhielten einen flachen Aufsatz, der einen Teil der Landebasis bildet. Die Gruppe besteht aus fünf Robotern, vier für die Plattform und einem Führungsroboter, dem die anderen folgen. Die Roboter kommunizieren nicht miteinander. Flugroboter: Drohne Quadshot ist Open Source.

Quadshot heißt ein in den USA entwickeltes unbemanntes Fluggerät (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV).

Flugroboter: Drohne Quadshot ist Open Source

Das Fluggerät ist ein Hybrid aus Hubschrauber und Flugzeug und basiert auf Open-Hardware und Open-Source-Software. Quadshot ist ein ferngesteuertes Nurflügelfluggerät mit einer Spannweite von 1 Meter. 2011 All Japan micromouse contest: Ng BengKiat 4th Fast RUN. Kato Wins Japan Micromouse Expert Class. Latest Japan Technology. Quintuple Cube (Zen Magnets) Nanodot Giants. Triumphbogen. Interlaced Dodecahedron Frame of Zen Magnets. Huge Neocube Shape. Transformer. The Most Useless Machine EVER! TRANSFORMERS #01:service trucks and vehicles / performance. 20,000 Bottle Rockets. 10,500,000 Firecrackers!! - NEW World Record. World largest fireworks 2007 Katakai Japan!! Futuristic technology 2010 - 2025.

Futuristic Technology 2010 - 2025 part 2 - 53

New version amazing robot asimo. Robot running. Murata Boy, the Robot that can Ride Bicycles. Nao Robot. Roboter serviert Wasser_DLR Jahreshauptversammlung 2008. Enigma Simulation. A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work.m4v. Fish robot. Cool Robot Snake. A robot that flies like a bird. Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera. Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera // Jonas Pfeil. Machine drills square holes in metal. Aircraft Detection Before The Invention Of Radar. Aircraft Detection Before Radar...

Aircraft Detection Before The Invention Of Radar

I bet none of you ever saw this stuff before. Mini-Flammenfresser GB-FF05. Suspending Water Without a Cup Trick. Popcorn Made In Korea. Lhc. The real Drift-King ! Video - timsche. Popcorn making Indian way. Jetpacks Finally Go on Sale...for $100,000. For years, comedians and commentators have bemoaned the fact that jetpacks, as imagined in 1950s sci-fi movies, never materialized.

Jetpacks Finally Go on Sale...for $100,000

As of spring 2012, though, the dream will become a reality — if you have $100,000 to spend, that is. A Dania Beach, Fla., company called JetLev will begin shipping its water-powered JetLev R200 early next year, according to the company's website. The suggested retail price: $99,500. JetLev claims the R200 will propel you to a height of 30 feet (the hose is 33 feet long) at a top speed of 25 mph. As noted in the video, the pack is powered by a 200 hp engine that pumps water through a 10-meter hose at 1,000 gallons per minute, generating more than 420 lbs. of thrust. The item comes in red, black and white, and additional colors are available for an extra $3,500. JetLev is not the only company working on a jetpack. While the promotional video paints a nice picture, jetpacks don't always work as promised. Are you ready for a jetpack? If Quake was done today.