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May 23rd: Police Attack CUTV's Journalist & Kettled Protesters. CUTV Program Director Arrested While Covering Student Protest. @CUTVnews - Police assault a community-media cameraman and students. @CUTVnews - Confrontation at the Palais Des Congres. Is Freedom of Press under Attack in Montréal? - FusunA. The student movement which reached its 100th day on May 22nd was attended by half a million protesters including students, educators and people from many communities and businesses in and outside of the province was a strong movement that echoed its message in other parts of the world including New York, Vancouver, Calgary and Paris.

Is Freedom of Press under Attack in Montréal? - FusunA

If you read none of this piece, I urge you please, to take a look at this link to have a modicum of fair and informed knowledge about what has been transpiring in Montreal for the last 101 days between students and the incumbent government of Premier Jean Charest. The rest of this piece will shed more insight with references and links to news from various media articles.

The student strikes are far deeper than what they seem on the surface. In fact a study into their recent history will easily reveal that the student strike is not simply related to increased tuition fees, but to much broader issues affecting all of society. Freedom of Press Under Attack in Montreal. Police mistreatment of journalists reported in Montreal. ShareThis Evoking memories of the G20 protests in Toronto in 2010, concerns are being raised about police treatment of journalists during student protests in Montreal.

Police mistreatment of journalists reported in Montreal

Reporters have been arrested, told to stop filming and in some cases roughed up by police, according to reports. Student journalists seem to be a particular target. Student protests: Concordia TV station denounces cameraman's arrest.