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Parent rigger law

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(pdf)PAA Parent_Trigger -position-final. PARENT REVOLUTION | TOGETHER WE CAN TAKE BACK YOUR SCHOOL, FOR YOUR CHILD, YOUR COMMUNITY, AND OUR FUTURE. Lance Hill: @DianeRavitch This is pupp... 'Trigger law' gives parents power in public schools - NBCNightlyNews. "Won't back Down" movie trailer thumbs down. Press release * For immediate release June 14, 2012 Contacts: Leonie Haimson, Class Size Matters, NYC 917-435-9329 Caroline Grannan, PAA member, San Francisco, CA, 415-412-5758 Julie Woestehoff, Parents United for Responsible Education, Chicago, 773-538-1135 Parents Give “Won’t Back Down” Movie Trailer a Thumbs-Down “Parent trigger” reality distorted to fit corporate school reform message The trailer for “Won’t Back Down,” an upcoming film starring Maggie Gyllenhaal, Holly Hunter and Viola Davis, shows parent power triumphing over bad teachers and claims that the film is “inspired by actual events.”

The movie doesn’t open until September, but the trailer is already in theaters and on the internet. But the storyline about the parent takeover has no resemblance to reality, says New York parent activist Leonie Haimson, a PAA co-founder. or email us at. Won't Back Down (2012. Walden Media | We tell stories that recapture the imagination, rekindle curiosity, and demonstrate the rewards of virtue.