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Integrity - theory, guardians

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Integriteit. Frits Vaandrager is hoogleraar Informatica De psychologie bevindt zich sinds kort min of meer in een crisis. Bij een poging om honderd resultaten te reproduceren, die eerder waren gepubliceerd in vooraanstaande psychologische tijdschriften, lukte dit in minder dan de helft van de gevallen. ‘Is psychologie een flutwetenschap?’ Kopt Vox. De problemen met de reproduceerbaarheid van onderzoek beperken zich niet tot de psychologie. In een invloedrijk artikel uit 2005 betoogt auteur John Ioannidis al dat voor het merendeel van de wetenschapsgebieden de meerderheid van de gepubliceerde onderzoeksresultaten gewoon fout is. Ik durf geen percentage te geven, maar ook binnen mijn eigen vakgebied, de informatica, deugen veel artikelen niet: resultaten zijn niet reproduceerbaar, algoritmen zijn gewoon fout en er zitten gaten in wiskundige bewijzen.

Deze problemen zijn natuurlijk niet nieuw. Kitchen Stories.

Theoretical - research

Conflict of interest. The presence of a conflict of interest is independent of the occurrence of impropriety. Therefore, a conflict of interest can be discovered and voluntarily defused before any corruption occurs. A widely used definition is: "A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgement or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest.

"[1] Primary interest refers to the principal goals of the profession or activity, such as the protection of clients, the health of patients, the integrity of research, and the duties of public office. Secondary interest includes not only financial gain but also such motives as the desire for professional advancement and the wish to do favours for family and friends, but conflict of interest rules usually focus on financial relationships because they are relatively more objective, fungible, and quantifiable.

Related to the practice of law[edit] Organizational[edit] Types[edit] EU - PRINTEGER | Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research - Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Hub Zwart, EU - PRINTEGER | Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Excellence in Research - Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Hub Zwart, About the Project PRINTEGER is a project funded by the European Union in the framework of Horizon 2020. Its mission is to enhance research integrity by promoting a research culture in which integrity is part and parcel of what it means to do excellent research, and not just an external and restrictive control system.

To promote such a culture, an improved governance of integrity and responsible research has to be informed by practice: the daily operation of researchers and the tensions of a complex research system. PRINTEGER will contribute to improve adherence to high standards of integrity in research warranting high levels of public support for the sciences.

In the short term, it will do so by improving integrity policies of national and international research organisations, but also by providing better tools for research leaders and managers.


RU: nevenfuncties mogen niet openbaar. Hij wijst er op dat de nevenfuncties van medewerkers geregistreerd zijn in verslagen van functioneringsgesprekken. De universiteit is niet vrij deze vrij te geven. Gegevens die zijn verkregen met instemming van betrokkenen voor het ene doel, mogen niet voor een ander doel gebruikt worden. “Hoever wil je trouwens gaan met zo’n register. Moeten daarin ook alle participaties in aandelen of belangen bij licenties worden vermeld?” Vraagt hij zich bovendien af in Vox. Volgens De Wijkerslooth is wetenschappelijke integriteit beter gewaarborgd met stevige collegiale toetsing en zorgvuldige functioneringsgesprekken. Zijn vrees is het daarbij dat door een “zomaar op internet te zetten” van nevenfuncties het tegendeel bereikt wordt van transparantie. Voor de bijzonder hoogleraren heeft Nijmegen een eigen aanpak. Overigens vertelt De Wijkerslooth er wel nog bij dat hij er weet van heeft dat in de meeste andere universiteiten de situatie niet zo helder en eenduidig zou zijn.

ORI - Office of Research Integrity - US departement of Health

L'expertise scientifique. TU Delta: Dossier belangen- verstrengeling. Groot onderzoek naar toezichthouders. Wetenschap zoekt belangenverstrengeling. Peter-Paul Verbeek, voorzitter van de Jonge Akademiepresenteerde tijdens de Valorisatieparade van het RathenauInstituut de uitslag van de Van de bijna 700 onderzoekers die de ‘Cosmo-test’ onlineinvulden bleek 69% een ‘liefhebber’: een onderzoeker die het leuken belangrijk vindt om zijn kennis te delen en te valoriseren. Maar7% kwam uit de test als een ‘onderzoeker pur sang’: iemand dievolledig gericht is op het publiceren van wetenschappelijkeartikelen. De meeste ‘liefhebbers’ waren volgens Verbeek jonge onderzoekersen postdocs, de onderzoekers pur sang waren vooral hoogleraren.Maar dat houding en gedrag niet altijd overeenkomen toonde de testook. Uit de antwoorden op vragen of en hoe vaak de onderzoekersvalorisatie in de praktijk brengen – door bij te dragen aan hetmaatschappelijke debat, aan politieke afwegingen of het onderwijsvoor kinderen of collega’s en door het vermarkten van research -bleken de hoogleraren op meer borden te schaken dan depostdocs.

Wat is het precies? Probleem: tijd. U.S. Tightens Rules on Financial Conflicts of Interest in Science - Government. By Paul Basken The Obama administration announced on Tuesday the final form of new rules governing financial conflicts of interest in federally sponsored medical research, saying it hoped to boost public confidence after years of scandals tied to corporate influence. The rule changes, the first in 16 years, bring new standards for universities to evaluate financial ties between their researchers and companies, for the researchers to disclose them, and for the public and government agencies to understand them.

"It's time for the rules governing those relationships to be modernized," Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, said in announcing the regulations after more than two years of development. Dr. Collins said he recognized that the changes would place some additional burdens on universities. The final form of the changes falls short of some of the more aggressive regulations suggested by Dr. No New Enforcement Dr. Dr. Dr. UT Magazine: Sept2012 ethische commisie UT sinds mrt2012. Research Ethics Boards As For- Profit Enterprises? Corrections 12 Sep 2006: Emanuel EJ, Lemmens T, Elliott C (2006)Correction: Should Society Allow Research Ethics Boards to Be Run As For-Profit Enterprises?

PLoS Med 3(9):e391. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030391 | View correction An important mechanism for protecting human research participants is the prior approval of a clinical study by a research ethics board, known in the United States as an institutional review board (IRB). Traditionally, IRBs have been run by volunteer committees of scientists and clinicians working in the academic medical centers where the studies they review are being carried out. However, for-profit organizations are increasingly being hired to conduct ethics reviews. Proponents of for-profit IRBs argue that these IRBs are just as capable as academic IRBs at providing high-quality ethics reviews. Critics argue that for-profit IRBs have a conflict of interest because they generate their income from clients who have a direct financial interest in obtaining approval. ScienceGuide: promotie en integriteit. 21 februari 2014 - “De Nederlandse promoties zijn van hoog niveau, ook in internationaal opzicht.”

De onderwijsinspectie ziet wel verbeterpunten bij onder meer de “wetenschappelijke integriteit nabij promovendi,” want “intrekking van de doctorstitel niet wenselijk is bij later wangedrag na de promotie.” Het gunstige oordeel over de kwaliteit blijkt volgens de inspecteurs uit deskresearch en gesprekken met stakeholders en deskundigen. Wel ziet de inspectie in haar nieuwe rapportage over het toezicht op het stelsel van promoties nog de volgende aandachtspunten. Vroegtijdig bewustzijn integriteit Allereerst is aandacht nodig voor de wetenschappelijke integriteit in relatie tot promotietrajecten en promoties. Die kan nog meer worden bevorderd dan nu het geval is. De vraag naar aanscherping van wet- en regelgeving acht de inspectie niet van wezenlijke betekenis. Kort promoveren bij medicijnen Zij signaleert toenemende verschillen in de status van promovendi. Tegen de perverse prikkels. "Toezicht op het stelsel van promoties" Onderwijsinspectie OCW (pdf)

Pechtold ergert zich aan politisering instituten | AMSTERDAM - Premier Mark Rutte moet krachtig stelling nemen tegen het ondermijnen van onafhankelijke instituten als de Raad van State, het Centraal Planbureau of de Rekenkamer. Foto: ANP Bekijk video Volgens D66-leider Alexander Pechtold maken het kabinet en de Tweede Kamer zich steeds meer schuldig aan het politiek maken van dergelijke instituten. Dat zegt hij in een interview met "Het is een trend", stelt de D66-voorman. Autoriteit De fractieleider van D66 signaleert dat er in de maatschappij en de politiek steeds minder waardering is voor autoriteit. "Maar we accepteren steeds minder - en dat vindt zijn weerslag in de volksvertegenwoordiging - dat mensen ook voor iets doorgeleerd hebben en wetenschap bedrijven. Essentie van de democratie Pechtold roept de premier dan ook op om pal voor de onafhankelijke instituten te gaan staan.

"Een Centraal Planbureau rekent ook de noodscenarios door als het mis gaat met de economie. Open procedure "Ik houd Rutte aan zijn eigen toezegging. Donner. Kabinet Accepteert Instituten Steeds Minder.


New York Times partners with Shell Oil to peddle elite access « Climate Progress. By Joe Romm on March 22, 2011 at 3:36 pm "Media stunner: New York Times partners with Shell Oil to peddle elite access" UPDATE: NY Times replies to this post NOTE: The NY Times has responded to this post (see below). I have updated two phrases for clarity and posted their response and my reply at the end. Robert Brulle: The NY Times is, at best, oblivious to a blatant conflict of interest. What is the New York Times thinking? You can find that screenshot and full details at At the top is the comment given to me by Dr. It is obvious what Shell is getting — they can hob-nob with a former NY Times columnist (Frank Rich) and other members of the elite drawn in my the NYT co-sponsorship to push their entire green-washing message for two days.

What a messaging boon this is to the once-green, now-greenwashing oil company (see Shell shocker: Once ‘green’ oil company guts renewables effort and Investors warn Shell and BP over tar sands greenwashing). UPDATE: Eileen M. Emails expose BP's attempts to control research into impact of Gulf oil spill | Environment. A clean-up operation on Queen Bess Island, June 2010. BP pledged a $500m fund for independent research into the consequences of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. Photograph: Gerald Herbert/AP BP officials tried to take control of a $500m fund pledged by the oil company for independent research into the consequences of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, it has emerged.

Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show BP officials openly discussing how to influence the work of scientists supported by the fund, which was created by the oil company in May last year. Russell Putt, a BP environmental expert, wrote in an email to colleagues on 24 June 2010: "Can we 'direct' GRI [Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative] funding to a specific study (as we now see the governor's offices trying to do)? The email was obtained by Greenpeace and shared with the Guardian. Those concerns go far beyond academic interest into the impact of the spill.

BP internal meeting notes | Environment. Bank of america wikileaks 2011 - BP tried to Buy Scientists for Favorable Research after Oil Spill. Leaked: 30,000 BP oil spill memos, emails and transcripts. In the middle of last year, Greenpeace submitted a string of Freedom of Information requests to US government agencies in relation to last year’s disastrous BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. As a result the environmental group have obtained some 30,000 memos, emails and transcripts which document the worst oil spill in American history. Taking cues from WikiLeaks, Greenpeace has begun to leak its considerable cache online for all to see.

Here’s what we pulled out of the document dump: In one internal email, BP environmental expert Russell Putt asks his colleagues if the company can take control of the $500m research fund set up to investigate the impacts of the spill: “Can we ‘direct’ GRI [Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative] funding to a specific study (as we now see the Governor’s offices trying to do)? Butt’s request came after BP officials discussed whether the company could influence the research program to studies that BP considered “useful”. Cerf's Up: How Privatization Will Wipe Out Public Education in New Jersey (Part 1) "When someone says 'it's not about money', it's about money. " - H.L. Mencken Earlier, as the overt push for privatizing New Jersey's public schools was just getting started, I wanted to bring attention to some of the strange theories and characters who were spearheading the effort. I was under the impression that they were promoting a justifiably unpopular vision based on pure conviction and that when confronted by the force of democracy would be defeated.

The privatizers claimed it was about the kids and their way was superior to the tried and true system that works in the wealthier parts of the state. I thought this was a genuine contest of ideas. I was fundamentally wrong. That truth was made clear when Christopher Cerf was named acting Education Commissioner. Before moving on to Cerf it seems appropriate to explore the interests of the man who appointed him.

Christie also has an extensive history with the business of privatizing public education. So now the question becomes scope. Chris Cerf: New Jersey Department of Education. David C. Hespe David Hespe was appointed Acting Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Education on March 20, 2014, returning for what is now his fourth time working at the Department. Mr. Hespe is an accomplished leader with decades of public service in New Jersey. His prior service at the Department included working as the Education Commissioner from 1999 through 2001; Assistant Commissioner for the Division of Executive Services from 1997 to 1998; and Chief of Staff during the first term of the Christie Administration.

Acting Commissioner Hespe returned to service in the Department of Education because he believes we all share a very simple goal – to help the nearly 1.4 million students in New Jersey's schools grow and excel so they can be adequately prepared for college and careers. Mr. Acting Commissioner Hespe holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Rutgers University and a Law Degree from the University of Rutgers-Newark. He and his wife Cindy have a son in college. The Public Private Strategy Group :: Education. The Broad Foundation. Saudi Universities Offer Cash in Exchange for Academic Prestige. Dan Popkey (DanPopkey) sur Twitter. IDS_Politics (IDS_Politics) sur Twitter.

Dan Popkey's reporting and columns. Tom Luna. Thomas "T-Mac" Luna (born 1958 in Santa Ana, California[1]) is the current Superintendent of Public Instruction in Idaho. He was elected to the position in 2006.[2] Luna was re-elected in 2010 following a challenge from the former superintendent of the Boise School District.[3] Luna served on the Nampa School Board for seven years, three as chairman, and on the Idaho Achievement Standards Commission and Idaho Assessment and Accountability Commission. From 2003 to 2005 Luna worked for the U.S.

Department of Education as an adviser to then-U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige.[2][4] He is the owner and president of Scales Unlimited, Inc., an industrial truck scale company.[1] In 2012, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney named Luna to Romney's 19-member education policy advisory group,[5] the only state superintendent to be chosen for the panel.[6] Education[edit] Idaho school reforms[edit] Students Come First[edit] Personal life[edit] Luna and his wife Cindy have six children.[2] Luna's "Students Come First" Tour - KTRV Fox 12. Bill Hansen. Dutko World Wide. Scantron. Madison Education Group, LLC - 'Geen stages met familierelaties' A leak in paradise. Grown in Detroit. If You're so Smart, Why Aren't You rich? door Chris Lorenz (Boek) - ISBN 9789085066705. OPC4 Universiteitsbibliotheek Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen - results/titledata. Italian academia is a family business, statistical analysis reveals. Argumentenfabriek: Informatiekaart Vertrouwen in Wetenschap.

FD: Schellekens: de naweeën vd affaire Stapel. 2000 Panel Finds Scores of Suspect Papers in German Fraud Probe. Scientific fraud and the power structure of science, by Brian Martin. Science: Addressing Scientific Fraud. Misconduct in science: An array of errors. Global Trend - More Science, More Fraud. Stappen tegen wetenschapsfraude. 'We staren ons blind op impactscores' Vier acties tegen wetenschapsfraude. Dossiers. Kenniscentrum Leefomgeving - Governance - Corruptie - Onderzoeksteam Corruptie.

Nederland kwetsbaarder voor corruptie – Transparency International Nederland. THE: Leader: Box ticked, but job not yet done. DUB: Docent leert je frauderen | Column. Stop universitaire cadeautjes. VOX: RU gaat onderzoeker (nog) eerlijker maken. W24: corruptie in NL. UCU-studenten zakken na ontdekking fraude | Nieuws. Tentamenfraude bij Bedrijfseconomie. Accountancystudent moet Avans verlaten. Punt Avans. Utrechtse onderzoekers trekken artikel terug. Hacker vervalst peer review. Sijbolt Noordij vertrekt bij EYE voorzitter Raad van Toezicht EYE | EYE, het nieuwe filmmuseum. Elsevier: Faking peer reviews. Ethics, values and culture driving research | Euroscientist Webzine.

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