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Bayh–Dole Act. The Bayh–Dole Act or Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act (Pub.

Bayh–Dole Act

L. 96-517, December 12, 1980) is United States legislation dealing with intellectual property arising from federal government-funded research. Sponsored by two senators, Birch Bayh of Indiana and Bob Dole of Kansas, the Act was adopted in 1980, is codified at 94 Stat. 3015, and in 35 U.S.C. § 200-212,[1] and is implemented by 37 C.F.R. 401.[2] The key change made by Bayh-Dole was in ownership of inventions made with federal funding. Before the Bayh–Dole Act, federal research funding contracts and grants obligated inventors (where ever they worked) to assign inventions they made using federal funding to the federal government.[3] Bayh-Dole permits a university, small business, or non-profit institution to elect to pursue ownership of an invention in preference to the government.[4] History[edit] Recipient requirements[edit] Certain additional requirements apply to nonprofit organizations only.

Subject inventions[edit] Review: “How Economics Shapes Science,” by Paula Stephan. "How Economics Shapes Science" I recently finished a very interesting and useful book entitled, “How Economics Shapes Science,” written by the economist Paula Stephan (Professor of Economics, Georgia State University and a member of the National Bureau of Economic Research).

Review: “How Economics Shapes Science,” by Paula Stephan

Stephan is an economist who accidentally became an expert in science economics, a little vignette that sets a nice tone for the book, which is superb overall — well-written, smartly structured, and well-referenced. In fact, for the serious reader, I’d recommend ordering it in print because the ability to flip back and forth between the nicely designed and very usable notes pages and the main text is vital to enjoying the book. While the topic is of inherent interest to anyone working in the sciences, Stephan also touches on many points of particular interest to publishers, including why authors publish and related issues. (Editor’s note: An interview with the author was published with this review.) THE: Aim for the stars in science. David Willetts has set out proposals for major multi-national corporations to join forces with a foreign or British university and establish new graduate-only research institutions in the UK.

THE: Aim for the stars in science

The idea is part of an eight-step action plan to “high-tech growth” set out in a speech today by Mr Willetts, the universities and science minister, who said the government wanted Britain to become the “best place in the world to do science”. Scienceguide: Penniless UK wants free research excellence. 5 januari 2012 - What to do if your universities do not excel as much as you like but you think you do not have a penny to spend?

scienceguide: Penniless UK wants free research excellence

UK Prime Minister David Cameron found the answer: fostering science campuses to be built by alliances of universities and private enterprises. University budgets in the UK have been stripped of a considerable amount of funds ever since David Cameron's government took charge in 2010. £200m had to be cut in the higher education sector. Delft maakt opleidingen makkelijk. Universities desperate in aging Japan. Science in the Private Interest: Has the Lure of Profits Corrupted Biomedical Research? Prof. dr. H. Radder - Medewerkers M-S - Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Specialization Philosophy of science and technology.

Prof. dr. H. Radder - Medewerkers M-S - Faculteit der Wijsbegeerte, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Office hours We don´t have offices anymore. For an appointment, please send an email. HansRadder(ed.) Commodification of Academic Research: Science and the Modern University - Reviewed Heather Douglas. This is a welcome and timely collection on a topic of increasing importance for our understanding of contemporary science.

HansRadder(ed.) Commodification of Academic Research: Science and the Modern University - Reviewed Heather Douglas

Unlike Philip Mirowski and Esther-Mirjam Sent's Science Bought and Sold (2002), which was predominantly a collection of previously published essays, all of the essays are new and written largely with knowledge of each other (having been originally presented at a 2007 conference on the topic). The authors take a range of perspectives, drawing from philosophy of science, research ethics, and political theory, and examine key topics in depth, including patents on academic research, data exchange, and biomedical research.

What results is a rich and subtle tapestry on the relationship between the private sector and academic scientific research, a central aspect of modern knowledge generation. Academische Boekengids. UvA: prof.dr. A.J. (Anne) Kox. Wheatley Medal for UvA-professor Anne Kox - Faculty of Science. EcoLabs under Threat: Corporate Encroachment of 'eco' and 'labs' - EcoLabs - blog. Jody Boehnert: G20: Nature doesn't do bailouts. There is a broad consensus across the political spectrum that we need to reduce carbon emissions.

Jody Boehnert: G20: Nature doesn't do bailouts

We finally agreed on this basic first step. Now, if we could only get past the next big hurdle soon enough, we might just have a chance of stopping the current trajectory: business as usual, which is driving full steam ahead into climate disaster. While the need to reduce emissions is accepted in mainstream opinion, we still lack the momentum and the political will to take action and make the necessary changes. Part of this inability to act is caused by the fact that our economic system is based on infinite growth yet reliant on a planet with finite resources. We are hitting the geophysical limits of the earth's ability to provide us with stable conditions. Bendheim Center will celebrate 10th anniversary.

A decade ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke helped start the Bendheim Center for Finance on campus.

Bendheim Center will celebrate 10th anniversary

He will return to Princeton on Friday to commemorate the center’s 10th anniversary. In its first 10 years, it became what The Wall Street Journal calls “Bernanke’s Bubble Laboratory,” producing some of the best research on the formation of economic bubbles. The center, which offers undergraduates, masters students and Ph.D. candidates an interdisciplinary approach to finance, has graduated nearly 1,300 undergraduates and 161 masters of finance students since beginning in 1999 and 2001, respectively. EcoLabs. EcoLabs - blog - Home.

Jody Boehnert (Jody_Boehnert) sur Twitter. Jody Boehnert — Centre for Research and Development. Voor niets naar de Top. Juist oudere docent digitaal actief. 12 januari 2012 - Oudere docenten zetten veel vaker online middelen in bij hun lessen dan jongere.

Juist oudere docent digitaal actief

Een onderzoek van Teachtoday komt met een opmerkelijke ontmythologisering rond het gebruik van digitale leermiddelen door leraren. Scienceguide: How to build an elite research university. 10 oktober 2011 - The World Bank published a guideline on how to build elite research universities.

scienceguide: How to build an elite research university

Three things would be needed: “a high concentration of talented academics and students, significant budgets, and strategic vision and leadership”, according to the report. Goedemorgen Nederland - Kabinet kort 10% op wetenschappelijk onderzoek. (pdf))TOF 2010- 2016 Totale Onder zoek Financiering. Nog minder geld voor onderzoek. Nog minder geld voor onderzoek.

Investering in kennis daalt harder dan gedacht. ResearchGATE brings in strong funding round for 'scientific Facebook' There was a time, before the Facebook reign truly began, when specialist networks seemed to be the direction in which social networks were headed. Benchmark Capital. Benchmark is an American venture capital firm responsible for the early stage funding of several successful startups. In 1997, the firm invested $6.7 million in eBay, which made it worth more than $5 billion by the spring of 1999.[1] Other high-profile investments have included or currently include Instagram, Zillow, Zipcar, Zendesk, Yelp, Demandforce, and Proofpoint[2] as well as Ariba, Juniper Networks, Red Hat, and Twitter.[3] Benchmark is noted for creating the first equal ownership and compensation structure for its partners.[4] The "maverick" firm[5] differs from most VC firms, which are named for their founders and are structured hierarchically; Benchmark is "a lean operation in which its six full-time partners share profits equally.

Teamwork behind every investment. ResearchGate. The company was founded by Ijad Madisch, who has stated that he wishes to win a Nobel Prize through the site by disrupting the way in which science is conducted. Madisch envisions a future in which scientists will publish their positive and negative results and data on his site instead of paying to publish it elsewhere.[2] Company[edit] ResearchGate. Professional Network ResearchGate Is A LinkedIn For Scientists. YACHT: Kenniscrisis is nijpend, technici nauwelijks te vinden.

In het laatste kwartaal van 2011 is de vraag naar technisch specialisten opnieuw gegroeid. Hameren op fundamenteel onderzoek. 'Geen sprake van kenniscrisis' Halte a la destruction de la recherche scientifique. Halte à la destruction de la recherche scientifique : La recherche est un bien public essentiel pour comprendre l'univers dans lequel nous vivons, améliorer notre espérance de vie tout en nous permettant de développer nos moyens d’existence dans un monde écologiquement plus responsable. Or, la recherche va mal en France, La France est tombée à la quinzième position mondiale pour la dépense intérieure de recherche versus le PIB, d'après l'OCDE, et en vingt-sixième position (sur 32 classés) pour le budget civil de la recherche !

Nous sommes en butte à la fascination du chiffre, la réduction drastique des moyens alloués aux équipes de recherche, la distribution brouillonne des moyens, l’excès d'évaluation, le pilotage technocratique et une bureaucratie ubuesque. Nous accusons des réformes mal coordonnées et inefficaces depuis 5 ans, qui multiplient les accès à des financements dont les demandeurs ne comprennent pas la logique. Scienceguide: France ~ aca- demic cri de coeur. Translation french. Minder investering in onderzoek of toch niet?


The State Department - Cardno Entrix - Transcanada.