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Ten Points Everyone Should Know About the Quebec Student Movement. Ten Points Everyone Should Know About the Quebec Student Movement.

Ten Points Everyone Should Know About the Quebec Student Movement

Montreal students occupy University of Quebec. Timeline Quebec Strike 2012. Hausse des frais de scolarité. Texte de la pétition CONSIDÉRANT QUE les frais de scolarité universitaires augmentent déjà annuellement depuis 2007; CONSIDÉRANT QUE 75% de frais supplémentaires par année coûteront des millions aux contribuables, tout en faisant porter aux familles et aux étudiants à venir le poids de la hausse;

Hausse des frais de scolarité

État Policier - Episode 1 - Nuit du 22 mai.

Student organisations

CUTV Live Recordings Montreal concordia University. @CUTVnews. Location map CasserolesEnCours. #CasserolesEnCoursMasterPublicView - Google Fusion Tables. SPVM arrête un jounaliste de CUTV. Raison: sac à dos et foulard rouge / Montréal 9 juin 2012. Pepperspraying CUTV_camera- team and more. Deux journalistes de La Presse arrêtés.

Le journaliste de La Presse qui couvrait l'événement, Philippe Teisceira-Lessard, a été arrêté dans des bureaux de la ministre.

Deux journalistes de La Presse arrêtés

Un peu plus loin, pendant que les manifestants tentaient de prendre la fuite, le caméraman Martin Chamberland a brusquement été projeté au sol et menotté par des policiers. >>> Patrick Lagacé: Le SPVM arrête deux journalistes de La Presse: questions Les journalistes de La Presse suivaient les protestataires depuis 7 h 30. Lorsqu'un groupe est entré dans l'immeuble du boulevard Henri-Bourassa Est, Philippe Tesceira-Lessard les a talonnés jusqu'au troisième étage.

Après cinq minutes, les casseurs sont ressortis du bureau de la ministre. Des policiers sont arrivés à peine quelques secondes plus tard et ont sommé le journaliste de s'identifier. «Quand le policier a parlé de méfaits, de vols et d'entrée par effraction, j'étais sous le choc par ces mots-là qui sonnent fort. Montreal police pepper spray reporter at student protest.

Is Freedom of Press under Attack in Montréal? - FusunA. The student movement which reached its 100th day on May 22nd was attended by half a million protesters including students, educators and people from many communities and businesses in and outside of the province was a strong movement that echoed its message in other parts of the world including New York, Vancouver, Calgary and Paris.

Is Freedom of Press under Attack in Montréal? - FusunA

If you read none of this piece, I urge you please, to take a look at this link to have a modicum of fair and informed knowledge about what has been transpiring in Montreal for the last 101 days between students and the incumbent government of Premier Jean Charest. The rest of this piece will shed more insight with references and links to news from various media articles. The student strikes are far deeper than what they seem on the surface. In fact a study into their recent history will easily reveal that the student strike is not simply related to increased tuition fees, but to much broader issues affecting all of society. @LaithMarouf. We tell your stories.

@TheConcordian. @KayLaframboise. Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU) Questioning Engaging Inciting Building. The Biggest Student Uprising You've Never Heard Of - Brainstorm. Montréal : manif nationale étudiante 10 nov 2011 30.000. Montréal : manif nationale étudiante 22mars2012 200.000. 300,000 Students March Against Tuition Rise Through Downtown Montreal 2012. 2012/05/16 - Manifestation Nue [Prise 2] - (1/7) Student Strike - The Gazette (Montreal) 76 arrested during morning student protest.

Montreal police made nearly 76 arrests on Wednesday morning after a student demonstration turned ugly, leading to mischief at the Eaton Centre and Queen Elizabeth Hotel.

76 arrested during morning student protest

Starting near Victoria Square at 8:00 a.m., the plan for the demonstration called for the students to walk towards McGill campus. However, police soon reported that protesters had entered the hotel and downtown mall. Dishes were broken in the hotel and as police chased students, display cases were turned over in the Eaton Centre, damaging goods. With students setting off a pyrotechnic device on the streets of Montreal, police began arrests an hour into the protest. Using the McGill metro station, a number of students travelled to the St. Laith Marouf, a cameraman with Concordia University's student television was arrested along with the protesters. Quebec student protesters end up on Charest's doorstep. The Canadian Press Published Thursday, March 29, 2012 6:47AM EDT Last Updated Saturday, May 19, 2012 7:52AM EDT MONTREAL - The Quebec student protests against tuition fee hikes landed on Premier Jean Charest's doorstep Wednesday night.

Quebec student protesters end up on Charest's doorstep

Montreal burning · McGillDailyNews. ANS: Ondertussen in Canada 1. ANS: Ondertussen in Canada 2. Canadese studenten verzetten zich wel. Quebec tuition fee protests should make Canada sit up and listen. Students protests in Montreal, Canada, over Quebec's plans to raise tuition fees.

Quebec tuition fee protests should make Canada sit up and listen

Le Délit. Student struggle: Montreal to mark 100 days of protests amid mass arrests. #Manifencours 1.0 - Printemps Érable. Gabrielle Duchaine: De jeunes enfants en pouce... Vers un Printemps Érable. Vers un Printemps Érable The last few months here in Quebec have been tumultuous ones, with a massive student movement taking to the streets on a near daily basis to oppose tuition increases, and in doing so, giving birth to a ” Printemps érable” that is drawing the links between broader social justice struggles and a firm rejection of the logic of austerity economics.

Vers un Printemps Érable

These are inspiring and challenging times, and as the unrest causes the social and political landscape to change, so too has the visual landscape of the city. Kevin Yuen Kit Lo (@lokidesign) sur Twitter. 28e manifestation nocturne à Montréal. Quebec rocked by student protests. Quebec's provincial government, facing the most sustained student protests in Canadian history, has introduced emergency legislation that would shut some universities and impose harsh fines on pickets blocking students from attending classes, as it looks to end three months of demonstrations against rises in tuition fees.

Quebec rocked by student protests

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in downtown Montreal on Thursday night as the government introduced the bill, with protests spilling over onto an expressway between stalled cars. Tuesday will mark 100 days since the demonstrations began. Authorities said 122 people were arrested on Wednesday as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Montreal.

Loi 78

Quebec protest leaders hint at compromise. Leaders of at least two of the three large student groups who organized Quebec’s student “strike” movement suggest that a compromise could soon end the 106-day conflict.

Quebec protest leaders hint at compromise

Martine Desjardins, leader of university group FEUC, told CBC News on Sunday that negotiations with the provincial government will resume this afternoon. Carrés rouges, vos papiers! Is Freedom of Press under Attack in Montréal? - FusunA. Michael Vipperman holds up a "no'' sign at his convocation ceremony Thursday and refuses his bachelor of arts degree.

Toronto News: U of T graduate refuses degree in convocation protest. In a sea of smiling, young faces and black graduation robes at Thursday’s University of Toronto Convocation Hall ceremonies, one person stood out: the serious young man with the red, floppy brimmed hat, long brown hair and red square pinned to his gown. He stood out even more when he advanced toward the podium and had words with a marshal who wanted to know why he was carrying a sign that said “no’’ and suggested he not go further with it. But after a few awkward seconds, while the announcer waited for the small drama to be played out, the young man’s name was announced and Michael Vipperman went up to the podium, where various U of T officials and other dignitaries were seated. Why I Must Refuse My Degree (short version) « Michael Vipperman. I, Michael Vipperman, intend to renounce the degree I am being offered from the University of Toronto on June 14, 2012, in protest over the ongoing commodification and bureaucratization of education at this University, best exemplified by the increasingly intimate relationship between the University and such venemous institutions as Barrick Gold and the World Bank.

Education is an ongoing process, not a product which can be sold or received. However, the degree I am being offered represents an expensive end goal, accessible only to an elite few, not on the basis of whatever academic merit we may possess, but on our access to wealth and on our willingness to play by the rules of bureaucracy. Untitled. Chris Hedges: Quebec's Fight Is Our Fight. Dans le Rouge. Quebec student leaders want to spark national anti-Harper movement. The face of the Quebec student protests, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, has embarked on a Canada-wide tour to inspire Canadians to fight against austerity measures as well as Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The seven-day speaking tour began Saturday in London, Ont., and ends Oct. 5 in Vancouver. Nadeau-Dubois is joined on the tour by a former representative from Quebec student federation, CLASSE, as well as Ethan Cox, the Quebec correspondent for, an online news organization.

Nadeau-Dubois was the spokesman for CLASSE during most of the student protests this year.


The quiet campus – Where has the dissent gone? The remarkable – a word that can be read in many different ways – 2012 student protests in Quebec have stirred memories of the activist campuses of yesteryear. For faculty members introduced to the academy in the era of student activism, anti-Vietnam War protests and general social unrest, the recent quietude of the Canadian university system has been disturbing. Universities had been transformed in the 1960s from comfortable retreats into agents of intellectual foment, social change and political action. For a time, it appeared that the imperatives of the academy had aligned with a commitment to social justice to create a system almost ideally set to lead Canada’s transformation.

Universities had long stood apart intellectually from the Canadian mainstream, but finally, in the1960s, began to reflect society at large. Video: Why students, university staff are saying 'non' to PQ's tuition proposal. Police say 279 arrested at Montreal demonstration - Montreal. Montreal police said at least 279 protesters were arrested on Friday evening during a demonstration against police tactics. Police declared the protest illegal as a crowd assembled at Place Émilie-Gamelin near the Berri-UQÀM metro station late in the afternoon. Officers quickly surrounded the demonstrators who began to march around the square shortly after 6 p.m. CBC's Alex Leduc said several journalists from other media outlets seemed to be caught up in the crowd as officers carried out kettling manoeuvres. Montreal police said three people were arrested for assault. The demonstrators were speaking out against municipal bylaw P-6, which allows police to declare protests illegal if organizers fail to provide authorities with an itinerary.


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