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Rapport accusatoire du régime d'Assad HRW

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1802 Circulaire aux deux hemispheres. 1920 Constitution Internationale - Droit Humain. The 3 first articles of the international Constitution (Convent of 17-20 May 2012) Members of the International Order of Co-Freemasonry, “LE DROIT HUMAIN” are spread out all over the world and, depending on the numbers of their members, are grouped together, as we have already said, in Federations, Jurisdictions or Pioneer Lodges.

1920 Constitution Internationale - Droit Humain

These are the essential points: “Freemasons of both hemispheres, members of the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, “LE DROIT HUMAIN”, in loyal and grateful homage, conduct their labours under the inspiration of their venerated Founders: Maria Deraismes (the first woman to be initiated – on 14th January 1882) and Georges Martin. With the example of these illustrious predecessors, and fraternally united in the love of Humanity, the Freemasons of the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, “LE DROIT HUMAIN” wish to carry into effect both in masonry and in the outer world the triple motto “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”.

G. Soros to Give $100 million to Human Rights Watch. (New York) – George Soros, philanthropist and financier, today announced a challenge grant of $100 million over 10 years to Human Rights Watch.

G. Soros to Give $100 million to Human Rights Watch

The grant from his Open Society Foundations, the largest that he has ever made to a nongovernmental organization, will be used to expand and deepen Human Rights Watch’s global presence to more effectively protect and promote human rights around the world. The grant challenges Human Rights Watch, which accepts no government funding, to raise an additional $100 million in private contributions to match the gift. Human Rights Watch hopes that the combination of the grant and the matching funds to be raised, as well as additional fundraising, will enable it to implement a strategic plan for becoming a truly global organization.

The plan will require Human Rights Watch to increase its annual budget from $48 million to $80 million within five years. Soros Funded Human Rights Watch. By MKERone (co-founder of Coutnerpsyops) Most of the people think that Human Rights Watch is a non-profit, 100% independent organization.

Soros Funded Human Rights Watch

They also think that its aim is to defend and protect the HUMANS. We mostly hear about this organization in war times. But, the simple name of this organization is misleading ! Human Rights Watch. A brief recap on HRW’s recent inglorious background Their mission statement says the following : “Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world.

They claim that they stand with the victims. Toni Cartalucci, a.k.a Land Destroyer, also wrote many pieces exposing Human Rights Watch continuous lies. How HRW misleads public opinion After 7 months of destruction in Libya, and tens of thousands of innocent civilians dead under NATO full of depleted uranium missiles, HRW comes up with an article warning of “Arbitrary arrests and Abuse of detainees”. In the pursuit of legitimacy: belated and useless indictments Conclusion. Rapport accusatoire ONG Human Rights Watch. L'ONG Human Rights Watch a dévoilé aujourd'hui un rapport confirmant l'authenticité des photos de César, le photographe qui a dénoncé les «crimes contre l'humanité», perpétrés en Syrie dans «les centres de détention du gouvernement syrien».

Rapport accusatoire ONG Human Rights Watch

Les photos de César ne mentaient pas. C’est en tout cas ce qu’affirme aujourd’hui la très sérieuse ONG Human Rights Watch. Photographe de la police militaire de Bachar el-Assad, celui qui se fait appeler César a fui la Syrie en juillet 2013, emportant avec lui plus de 53 000 photographies effroyables de corps torturés. En janvier dernier, Bachar el-Assad avait affirmé concernant ces photos que «n’importe qui peut apporter des photos et dire qu’il s’agit de torture.

Ce sont des allégations sans preuves». (Moscow) – Nine months of research reveals some of the human stories behind the more than 28,000 photos of deaths in government custody that were smuggled out of Syria and first came to public attention in January 2014.

Report If the Dead Could Speak Mass Deaths and Torture in Syria’s Detention Facilities The 86-page report, “If the Dead Could Speak: Mass Deaths and Torture in Syria’s Detention Facilities,” lays out new evidence regarding the authenticity of what are known as the Caesar photographs, identifies a number of the victims, and highlights some of the key causes of death. Human Rights Watch located and interviewed 33 relatives and friends of 27 victims whose cases researchers verified; 37 former detainees who saw people die in detention; and four defectors who worked in Syrian government detention centers or the military hospitals where most of the photographs were taken. Meet the doctor who saw the horrors of the Caesar Photos first-hand in Syria A Sample of Victim Profiles:

Storytelling. Référence HRW : journal "LeMonde" Editorial.

Référence HRW : journal "LeMonde"

Témoin : Dr. Sami Sharif, kurde syrien réfugié Berlin. Despite the chilly morning air in Berlin, Dr.

Témoin : Dr. Sami Sharif, kurde syrien réfugié Berlin

Sami Sharif prefers to sit at one of the café’s outside tables, where he can smoke. He sips his espresso and smiles, as he tells me that when he was younger, he didn’t want to be a doctor at all, he wanted to study physics. But in 2011, when he was in his 5th year of medical school and training in Damascus hospitals, the uprising began in Syria. “When I realized I could help people, I loved being a doctor.”

He and his friends formed a secret group of doctors who treated wounded protesters, something that could lead to their arrest under President Bashar al-Assad’s government. Sami, 27, has a neatly trimmed beard and wears a heavy winter coat, a gift from his Germany host family. A new Human Rights Watch report contains an in-depth examination of the photos of dead detainees in Syria, taken by a Military Police photographer referred to as “Caesar,” who had more than 28,000 images documenting 6,786 dead when he fled Syria.

Originaire de Kameshli. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Originaire de Kameshli

Kameshli (arabe : القامشلي Al Qāmišlī, kurde : Qamişlo, syriaque : ܩܡܫܠܐ Qamišlo ou ܒܝܬ ܙܐܠܝ̈ܢ Beṯ Zālin, turc : Kamışlı) est une ville du nord-est de la Syrie. Elle est la capitale administrative du district de Kameshli, dans le gouvernorat d'Al-Hasaka. Une part importante des habitants de la ville sont des chrétiens d'origine syriaque orthodoxe. Géographie[modifier | modifier le code] Article de la journaliste Amy Braunschweiger. Web Communications Manager @ Human Rights Watch. Author: Wrote the book Taxi Confidential: Life, Death and 3 a.m.

Web Communications Manager @ Human Rights Watch

Revelations in New York City Cabs.Freelance article writer: Had fun, fabulous articles published in awesome places like the New York Times, New York magazine, Worth, etc. At the Village Voice I lead a team of writers to create 3,000 or so nightlife listings/reviews.Freelance less-sexy writer: Had less fun but also sometimes interesting pieces published in steady-paying places like trade magazines for financial professionals, nonprofit newsletters, for investment banks, random financial sites, etc.Ghost writer: Helped ghost write an encyclopedia of American food and wine. Tell us about how you found your first job, and how you found your current job (if different).

L'Express : 45 000 photos. César est l'homme qui a fait sortir de Syrie 45 000 photos de détenus morts dans les geôles du régime.

L'Express : 45 000 photos

"J'étais photographe au sein de la police militaire à Damas. Avant la révolution, j'étais chargé de photographier les scènes de crime et d'accident qui impliquaient des militaires ... " Nvl Obs : "Opération César" Entre 2011 et 2013, "César", photographe de la police militaire syrienne, a copié et fait sortir au péril de sa vie 45.000 photos et documents de détenus qui ont péri dans les geôles de Bachar al-Assad. Il vit désormais caché quelque part en Europe. Alors qu'il a toujours refusé de s'exprimer publiquement sur les crimes contre l'humanité qu'il a pu documenter et sur ses motivations, il a fini par se confier à Garance Le Caisne, collaboratrice de "l’Obs". Dans "Opération César" (Stock), la journaliste livre le récit de cet iconographe de l’horreur - les bonnes feuilles sont à lire dans "l'Obs" du 1er octobre. Sur la base de ce livre, le parquet de Paris a ouvert une enquête préliminaire pour "crimes de guerre" visant le régime de Bachar al-Assad.

"César" espère désormais que son témoignage va enfin faire réagir la communauté internationale. Comment vous sentez-vous avant la sortie du livre ? - J’ai des sentiments mélangés. Atlantico : 55 000 clichés, plainte crime de guerre. FranceTvInfo : "crimes contre l'humanité" Voir la vidéo Francetv info. 2012 crimes des "victimes" d'Assad. Horror Video: Syrian Child Beheads Pro-Assad Prisoners***BUMPED***(Updated) I thought since the death of Mullah Dadullah, a Taliban leader who often used children to do the beheading for him, that I'd never ever see this again. Sadly I was wrong. UPDATE by Rusty: Full video & screencaps below. STRONGEST POSSIBLE CONTENT WARNING. The video shows at least two people being murdered through beheading. Intervention de Bahar Kimyongür et Anastasia Popova à la Conférence sur la Syrie le 1er mars 2013 à Genève.

Voir également le film documentaire The Syrian Diary réalisé en 2012 par Anastasia Popova, une jeune et courageuse journaliste de la télévision Russia24. Il faut relever trois faits au sujet de nos medias occidentaux, soi-disant emblématiques de la « liberté d’information » : 1) Leurs journalistes ne séjournent que très brièvement en Syrie et toujours embarqués dans les fourgons des « rebelles de la liberté » - ces journalistes ne rendent donc jamais compte de la vie et du point de vue du peuple syrien, soit, comme le faisait remarquer Anastasia Popova, plus de 10 millions d’êtres humains au minimum ; Anastasia Popova a passé sept mois en Syrie, et les djihadistes ont essayé maintes fois de la tuer ; 3) Une publication comme Le Monde Diplomatique ne traite tout simplement pas du sujet de la Syrie. A. sur le plan diplomatique. 1 victime du criminel Assad? Non,1 victime des modérés.

Qui est boureau, qui est victime ? ASL brûle le portrait d'Assad & érige Ben Laden. "La démocratie,c'est de l'idolâtrie" Opposition syrienne ***