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Benoit MANDELBROT. FRACTALS by Laure Pouliquen. FRACTALS LPART. Complex systems. Technical description about how our Lichtenberg Figure Sculptures (or beam trees) are created. Other interesting properties: fluorescence, solarization, birefringence, and discharge-free zone When acrylic is irradiated by high-energy electrons, it glows a brilliant blue-white color. Radiation chemistry studies suggest that this is mainly due to luminescence that peaks at a wavelength of about 435 nm. However, acrylic also generates fainter glows from x-ray fluorescence , and Cherenkov radiation . FLAM3. The electric sheep screen-saver. Electric sheep. Downloads. 3D Multiprocessor Fractal Engine. Download Incendia - 3D Multiprocessor Fractal Engine. Fergus Ray Murray's Homepage - Science, Sculpture, Photography, Animation, etc. Fractalus (Fractals/Fractal Art, Contests, and Info)

XenoDream Software 3D graphics - index. Art by Computer. Chaoscope > Fractal Waveform Love Butter. Art From Code : Generative Graphics. Fractal World Gallery ENCHGALLERY HOME. Fractal Repository. Apophysis 3D Revealed. Erdine-Baskin Architect Design Fractal Girl. Erdine-Baskin Architect Design Fractal Girl.