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Facebook Twitter NextScripts. Twitterfeed. RSS Graffiti. Loading Article 2015 has been a terrific year of growth for ScribbleLive and our partners, and we are very proud to present our latest accomplishment. ScribbleLive is now an official member of the Facebook Media Solutions Partner Program. <br />The Facebook Media Solutions Partner Program is available to a select group of innovative leaders. &nbsp;The addition of ScribbleLive to this program extends the opportunities for integration with Facebook and Instagram. Divesh Sisodraker, EVP and Chief Product Officer at ScribbleLive, had this to say about ScribbleLive being named a Facebook Media Solutions Partner:“As the popularity of social networks such as <a href=" and <a href=" continues to rise, the ability to incorporate content from these sources is extremely important for our customers.” Gary Parkinson Read the latest release from Gary Parkinson, Content Marketing Manager at ScribbleLive.

Hellotxt. SocialMarker. The activity of Social Bookmarking has been around for almost two decades. If you have engaged in social media, chances are you’ve participated in it without even realising you have done so. Ever sent a link to a friend knowing they’ll enjoy receiving the content you’ve sent? That in itself is social bookmarking! >>Readmore Knowing what content drives people, simply as a social media user or maybe as an editor or creator of a news site, media site or website, is the key to getting the information you want to get across to the correct audience. SocialMarker brings you a new bookmarking tool like no other. Getting SocialMarker started is pretty simple. SocialMarker regulates your various social bookmarking sites by having you log into all of them initially and then opening each account in an iFrame, meaning you can visit all listed social bookmarking sites automatically.

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