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Update all of your social networks at once!

Update all of your social networks at once!

Social bookmarking service. Fast tagging and posting to all major social websites - The activity of Social Bookmarking has been around for almost two decades. If you have engaged in social media, chances are you’ve participated in it without even realising you have done so. Ever sent a link to a friend knowing they’ll enjoy receiving the content you’ve sent? RSS Graffiti Loading Article 2015 has been a terrific year of growth for ScribbleLive and our partners, and we are very proud to present our latest accomplishment. ScribbleLive is now an official member of the Facebook Media Solutions Partner Program. Inhaltsänderung einer Webseite automatisch überwachen Möchte man automatisch per E-Mail informiert werden, wenn sich der Inhalt einer bestimmten Webseite ändert, kann man dies mittels Google Apps Script realisieren. Dazu benötigt man zunächst eine beliebige App, die Google Apps Script unterstützt - zum Beispiel Text & Tabellen oder Sites. Hier erstellt man eine Funktion, die den Inhalt (also den HTML-Quelltext) einer Webseite abruft, mit dem bei einem vorherigen Funktionsaufruf gespeicherten Inhalt vergleicht und dann innerhalb des Dokuments speichert. Hat sich der Inhalt geändert, wird eine E-Mail verschickt. Diese Funktion lässt man nun über einen zeitbasierten Trigger automatisch in einem beliebigen Intervall aufrufen. Fertig.

Huge! Skitch is acquired by Evernote A Great... – Skitch Heart Love 9:54 am - Thu, Aug 18, 2011 275 notes Huge! Free Online Network Tools Network Tools Using these tools you can find information about an IP address or hostname, including country, state or province, city, name of the network provider, administrator, etc. SmartWhois, TraceRoute, Ping, NsLookup, Proxy Test, Bandwidth Meter, Environmental Variables Test, Domain Check, Blacklist Check, TCP Query OnlyWire Wakerupper - The Web's Easiest Telephone Reminder distribute your content and turn it into business We are excited to announce our new and amazing YOCADO 2.0: Coded from scratch, YOCADO 2.0 is a complete new experience regarding usability and design. Key element of YOCADO 2.0 is the new widget builder offering amazing features such as: See your widget (formerly known as campaign) evolve in real time while setting it up […] Read more... Yes, that’s true, now there’s a completely free YOCADO: It comes with all major functions to promote your content such as social sharing, campaign mailings and much more.

How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic Let's say you're a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker. You want to get up to speed on the social media activity in your market, as fast as you can. Or perhaps you want to sell things to candlestick makers online, or you're a journalist writing a story about blogging butchers, or maybe you've got some kind of weird baking fetish or academic interest. Is there any way to ramp up your knowledge of these fields, fast, other than the "Google and wander" method? We think there is.

bookmarkingdemon RANDOM.ORG - True Random Number Service Alpha Personal Analytics Connect with Faceook, sign in for free, and get unique, personalized information anad analysis on your social data-computed by Wolfram|Alpha Clustering of your friends What are the groups of friends that make up your network? How do these groups relate to each other?

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